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Criminal Justice
Crimes, Police & Law Enforcement
The Penal System (Includes Cons, Ex-cons & Their Families)
Crime Victims










Crimes, Police and Law Enforcement
Crimes & The Criminal Justice Process
Police Misconduct
Law Enforcement Agencies

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Police Misconduct

Police Misconduct/Brutality
Links to groups that protect the public against police misconduct.

National Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers


All sorts of police related links, law enforcement, criminal defense, etc.

Find Your Local Newspaper, Magazine, Radio & TV Stations

Give them a little bad press and you're bargaining power increases tremendously. Press also attracts high powered attorneys who may take your case. Select your state, and then click on your county or city for the proper media to report to. (DC Not Included).

See Legal Assistance

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Law Enforcement Agencies

The Police Officer’s Internet Directory (All 50 States & DC)
Includes the Complete Directory of Law Enforcement
Agencies and the Complete Directory of Law Officer’s Home Pages. Also provides links to associations, libraries and other sources.

Criminal Justice Links
Links to the FBI, all sorts of crime stats, forensic medicine and crime solving and more.  

Criminal Justice Agencies In All The 50 States
A mixture of state government links, some of which lead to agencies like the Attorney General's, Dept of Juvenile Justice, Parole Boards, Public Defenders and State investigation Bureaus. 

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Penal System

Prison-Related People & Places

Cons, Ex-cons & Their Families
Crimes & the Criminal Justice Process


Prison-Related People & Places

Corrections White Pages
To find the email addresses of prison staff, sheriffs, bail-bondsmen, parole officers and other people involved with the criminal justice system.

Department Of Corrections (All 50 States & DC)

Ministries, Counseling & Other Help (Consumer-SOS)

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Cons, Ex-cons & Their Families
Legal Assistance

Ministries, Counseling & Other Help

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Legal Assistance

Prison Ministries, Support Groups & Legal Help
Hundreds of links all in alphabetical order.

Prisoner's Legal Rights & Remedies
Lots of pro prisoner legal groups plus basics on criminal law.

Prison Ministries, Support Groups & Legal Help
Hundreds of links all in alphabetical order.

State-By-State Death Penalty Info & Links

National Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Federal Sentencing Guidelines

Gun Laws In DC & All 50 States

Assorted Criminal Laws (State By State Statutes For Each Crime)
See their A-T index of crimes.

See PoliceMisconduct
See Ministries, Counseling & Other Resources

For More Help See Consumer-SOS/Lawyers, Courts, & Self Help

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Ministries, Counseling, & Other Help

Prison Ministries, Support Groups & Legal Help
Hundreds of links all in alphabetical order.

Families & Corrections Network
FCNetwork is for and about families of offenders. We offer information on children of prisoners, parenting programs for prisoners, prison visiting, incarcerated fathers and mothers, hospitality programs, keeping in touch, returning to the community, the impact of the justice system on families, and prison marriage.

LOOPS (Loved Ones Of Prisoners), Inc.
Non-denominational, Christian organization dedicated to the support and restoration of prisoners and their families.

F.F.I.P. (Friends and Family of Incarcerated Persons)
Support Group for Families and Friends of People Incarcerated.

Dearest Mom's Home Site
The support site is for moms who have a grown child in the prison system. We welcome new moms all the time and the moms at the site are of great support. Also very caring and no bias opinions...or ask any questions. Just good ol' fashion support and love. This is our third year in operation.

United Way Help Line  (For All 50 States, DC & Puerto Rico)
Choose your state, select your city, and look up help agencies throughout the country. Their stellar search engine can lead you to any social service topic you can think of.  For example, type in the words "Children and (the name of your topic)" or "prison" and "rehabilitation".

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Crimes & the Criminal Justice Process

Expunging Your Record In All 50 States

Are Lie Detector Tests Admissible? (State By State Case Law)
Includes DC.

Terms Of Criminal Law (Consumer-SOS)   

Legal Assistance (Consumer-SOS)

Drunk Driving Laws (All 50 States & DC)

Criminal Statutes of Limitations For Various Crimes (All 50 States & DC)

Assorted Criminal Laws (State By State Statutes For Each Crime)
See their A-T index of crimes.
Bad Check Laws (State By State Statutes For Each Crime)

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Terms Of Criminal Law

Terms Of Criminal Law (Not State Specific)
Find out basic definitions of each crime and about terms related to the criminal justice system.  Note, each state defines it's crimes differently. The rules can vary from state to state.

Assorted Criminal Laws (State By State Statutes For Each Crime)
See their A-T index of crimes.

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Criminal Justice