Home  Your State  Landlord/Tenant


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Before You Move In

Selecting Your New Home
What to do before you rent. Common sense tips for all states.

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Repairs & Maintenance

Where To Get Legal Or Government Assistance (Consumer-SOS)
Government, nonprofit and commercial groups to help you when you're in trouble.

Getting Your Landlord To Make Minor Repairs (General)

Cleaning & Repairs A Landlord Can't Charge For (Not State Specific)

Tactics To Get Your Landlord To Make Repairs (Not State Specific)

Find Your City's Municipal Codes
Learn how your city code treats, garbage, nuisance and safety hazards. If you can't find your city, follow their links to other code sites that can help you.

Landlord Tenant Laws In 50 States & DC  

Uninhabitable Premises/Constructive Eviction
When your apartment has been rendered unlivable by your landlord's breach of his obligation.

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Security Deposits

Where To Get Legal Or Government Assistance (Consumer-SOS)
Government, nonprofit and commercial groups to help you when you're in trouble.

What The Landlord Can & Cannot Charge You (Chart)
Items damaged by ordinary wear & tear vs. those damaged by the tenant's negligence.

Deadlines For LL To Itemize & Return Deposits  (Chart For 50  States & DC)

State Limits On The Amount You Must Deposit  (Chart For All 50 States & DC)
The limits on how much $ the landlord can demand upfront.

Landlord Tenant Laws In 50 States & DC
May also have state specific brochures and pamphlets.

Security Deposit Statutes (In 50 States & DC)
Links to the actual statutes, state by state.

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Rent Issues

For Financial Help

RentAssistance (In All 50 States & DC)
RentAssistance provides a directory of rental assistance agencies and organizations that will help you pay your rent. Some listings are government organizations other are non-profits and charities that offer rental assistance programs. Each organization has its own eligibility rules and conditions and you are encouraged to call directly to find out what you need to do. RentAssistance.us does not have funds for providing rental assistance. We can only refer you to listings on the website and urge you to call these offices directly.

Rent, Utilities and Mortgage Assistance In Your State  (Google)
Stop!!!!!   AFTER CLICKING ON THIS LINK, GO TO THE GOOGLE SEARCH BOX AND REPLACE "YOUR STATE" WITH THE STATE WHERE YOU LIVE. i.e."NEW YORK" OR "CALIFORNIA" OR "ALASKA" then click on go. For help in your county or city, add the name of your county or city after the name of your state.

Can't Pay Your Rent, Mortgage or Utilities? (Consumer-SOS)
Step by step on what to do and where to go for assistance.

For Your Legal Rights

Rent Due Dates, Late Rent, Rent Increases   

Where To Get Legal Or Government Assistance (Consumer-SOS)
Government, nonprofit and commercial groups to help you when you're in trouble.

For Those Without A Written Lease See Verbal Rental Agreements

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Evictions & Foreclosures

Servicemember Rental and Eviction Protection
Under the SCRA, if you rent your home or apartment and the rent does not exceed a certain amount ($3,851.03 per month in 2019) then your landlord cannot evict you or your dependents while you are serving on active duty without first obtaining a court order. In addition, you can request that the court delay the execution of an order to evict you or your dependents for 90 days.

Where To Get Legal Or Government Assistance (Consumer-SOS)
Government, nonprofit and commercial groups to help you when you're in trouble.

http://www.mrlandlord.com/html/frametop_frametop.html (In 50 States & DC)
This site has select laws from each state on security deposits, evictions and landlord laws, but it's not consumer friendly. Their "landlord Laws sections may have stuff on notice to end tenancy and other stuff tenants should know.  

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