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Support Groups

Abuse Grief
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Drugs & Alcohol Suicide
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Children & Parents
Domestic Violence














Domestic Violence & Crime Victims (Consumer-SOS)

Self Help Source Book On Support Groups

National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-7233
Helps victim of domestic violence and their families.  They discuss options, safety planning, give legal help, and provide counseling and referrals.

For More, See Christian Support Groups, Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Attention Deficit Disorder/ADHD

With a little effort, you can find other moms and dads whose kids are hyperactive or inattentive, learning disabled or anxious. Two national support and advocacy organizations, CHADD and the Attention Deficit Disorder Association, sponsor networking and educational events at the regional level. The Learning Disabilities Association of America also offers local meetings. All three list chapter locations and meeting schedules on their websites

You can also find such by Googling
adhd along with your state and parent discussion groups or by searching for these groups on Facebook or meetup.com.

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Self Help Source Book On Support Groups

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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See Mesothelioma (Consumer-SOS)

National Cancer Information Center (800) 422-6237
Types of Cancer, Treatments, Clinical Trials, Risk Factors, Publications and Reports, Statistics, Health Disparities and more.

Cleaning For A Reason: Free House Cleaning For Women With Cancer (50 States, DC & Canada)
If you are a woman with cancer and at least 18 years old, their affiliate maid services will provide you with a free cleaning once a month for up to 4 months. After your application is complete and your doctor verification is received, they'll contact the maid service partner in your area. For more information see How To Register.

American Cancer Society (All 50 States, Not DC)
Click on the type of cancer you want to know about and also get the ACS chapters in your area

Care For The Dying & Grief Support Groups
Resources on life threatening illness and end of life issues.  

Self Help Source Book On Support Groups

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Find a Christian professional you can trust.  
Also get links to free online Bibles, Christian Search Engines and other information for the serious believer. 

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Self Help Source Book On Support Groups

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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National Depressive and Manic Depressive Assoc. (800) 826-3632

National Institute of Mental Health (800) 421-4211
For Free Brochures on Depression Awareness and Recognition and Treatment.
Brochures offered in Both English and Spanish.

National Foundation For Depressive Illness
(800) 248-4344
Recorded information on Depression.

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Drugs & Alcohol

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Programs Nearest You (All 50 states & DC)

Self Help Source Book On Support Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous

For answers to questions such as how to tell if you are an alcoholic.

American Society Of Addiction Medicine
ASAM is dedicated to educating physicians and improving the 
treatment of  individuals suffering from alcoholism and other addictions.

American Council On Alcoholism
(800) 527-5344

National Clearinghouse For Alcohol & Drug Abuse (800) 729-6686

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Eating Disorders

Find An Overeaters Anonymous Near You (World Wide)
Overeaters Anonymous has approximately 7500 meeting groups in over 50 countries worldwide. Search for a meeting by choosing your country or state below or use their search engine

National Association For Anorexia & Associated Disorders
Call the national hotline at 847-831-3438 for a listing of support groups and referrals in your area.

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Self Help Source Book On Support Groups

For More, See Other Support Groups

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For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Grief & Loss

Care For The Dying & Grief Support Groups
Resources on life threatening illness and end of life issues.

SHARE Groups Chapter (314) 947-6164
National organization supports parents who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal distress.

Toll-Free Directory 1-800-555-1212
Use this free directory service to see if your support group has a toll-free number.

For More, See Suicide
 Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Prisoners & Their Families

Prison Ministries, Support Groups & Legal Help
Hundreds of links all in alphabetical order.

Families & Corrections Network
FCNetwork is for and about families of offenders. We offer information on children of prisoners, parenting programs for prisoners, prison visiting, incarcerated fathers and mothers, hospitality programs, keeping in touch, returning to the community, the impact of the justice system on families, and prison marriage.

LOOPS (Loved Ones Of Prisoners), Inc.
Non-denominational, Christian organization dedicated to the support and restoration of prisoners and their families.

F.F.I.P. (Friends and Family of Incarcerated Persons)
Support Group for Families and Friends of People Incarcerated.

Dearest Mom's Home Site
The support site is for moms who have a grown child in the prison system. We welcome new moms all the time and the moms at the site are of great support. Also very caring and no bias opinions...or ask any questions. Just good ol' fashion support and love. This is our third year in operation.

United Way Help Line  (For All 50 States, DC & Puerto Rico)
Choose your state, select your city, and look up help agencies throughout the country. Their stellar search engine can lead you to any social service topic you can think of.  For example, type in the words "Children and (the name of your topic)" or "prison" and "rehabilitation".

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Sex And Love Addicts

Sexual Addiction Links & Articles

For More, See Christian Support Groups, Other Support Groups and Related Topics.

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Singles & Others Who Want To Meet People
Here's how to find singles or meet people at events near you.

Meet people doing what you love. Meetup.com is not just for singles, but you can join any of their 250,000 groups worldwide, from wine tasting, to hiking to learning computer programing. There's also dating groups as well. Most meetups are face to face.  And it's free. Or you can start your own meetup group and teach or do something not offered. This will cost about $100 a year, but if your meetup becomes popular your members can chip in. See Cybersleuths of Metro Atlanta for the meetup I formed on how to do free online background checks!

Choose your city and state and the date to see what free or low cost events are happening. Good if you're clueless on what to do on the weekend or want somewhere fun to take a date.

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Suicide Crisis Centers & Support Groups (All 50 States & DC)

American Foundation For Suicide Prevention
The AFSP has  resources for survivors of
suicide, including a directory of support groups in the US,
survivor stories, and information on the 1998 Survivors'

National Hope Line
(800) 784-2433

For More See Grief & Loss


Smoker's Kick The Habit Support Groups (At least 30 states)

The Foundation For A Smoke-Free America
Has good tips and resources on quitting.

Center For Disease Control Anti-Smoking Resources

The Monster List of Quit Smoking Links
Information, organizations and links on quitting smoking.

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Other Support Groups (Support Group Mega Sites)

Support groups on every subject. Scroll down for 200+ Bulletin Boards and 1000's of Internet links.

Lists of more than 300 Internet support groups.

United Way Help Line (For All 50 States, DC & Puerto Rico)
Choose your state, select your city, and look up support groups in your city.  Their stellar search engine can lead you to any  help group you can think of. Just type in the words "Support Group" and (the name of your topic)".  

Self Help Source Book On Support Groups

American Society Of Addiction Medicine
ASAM is dedicated to educating physicians and improving the 
treatment of  individuals suffering from alcoholism and other addictions.

United Way Help Line (For all 50 States, DC & Puerto Rico)
Choose your state, select your city, and look up support groups galore!!!  Their stellar search engine can lead you to any  help group you can think of. Just type in the words "Support Group" and (the name of your topic)".

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Support Groups