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Privacy & ID Theft
Identity Theft

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Identity Theft

Identity Theft Resources Center (US Federal Trade Commission)
Preventing ID theft and damage control, straight from the federal government.

Victim Help With Filing an Identity Theft Report & A Police Report
File Both!  You get special legal protection when you file an ID Theft Report with the Federal Trade Commission.
Click Here for how to file with the FTC.

Internet Scams That Trick You To Reveal Your Passwords & Personal Data
So, You got a message that your email account/credit card will be canceled unless you click on the link below.  Well it could be a trap!!!!!  And you could be duped into giving information to a bogus look alike website which has nothing to do with your provider/credit card, etc.

Identity Theft Resource Center
Brochures and tips on numerous aspects of identity theft and how to protect yourself. Includes how to organize your case and firewall your computer.

ID Theft: Protecting Yourself After The Fact
Extensive checklist with links to important help agencies.

Clean Your Computer Tracks-Privacy Tools
Freeware that deletes Internet cache, spyware, etc. and erases your deleted files for good.

Coping with Identity Theft: What To Do When An Imposter Strikes
Are you a victim of ID theft? Scroll down for how to prevent it, who to contact and how to protect yourself after the fact.

Identity Theft, Step By Step What To Do  
Also Has Great Links For More Help

Identity Theft Laws In Every State  
Laws and/or Links For all 50 States

Your Wallet: A Loser's Manual

Find The Owner Of A Lost Cell Phone/What to Do If Yours Is Missing (Consumer-SOS)

Classic Cons... And How to Counter Them  (Includes ID Theft)

Limits On Your Liability For Check Forgeries and Lost Credit,  Debit & ATM Cards

When Someone Else Uses Your Social Security Number

Student Records-Your Right To Keep Them Private (ACLU)
Also learn what you can see and what's off limits to you. 

How To Obtain A Copy Of Your Birth Certificate (General)
After ID theft, this may be needed to prove you're you. (Great Links And Brochures)

National Help Orgs For A Variety Of Consumer Problems
The Elderly, Environment, Families, Fraud, Health & Safety, Insurance The Handicapped, Medical Problems, Telemarketing and more.

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Changing Your Name & Social Security #
Recording Conversations
Blocking Unwanted Mail, Phone Calls & Email
Records Kept On You

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Changing Your Name & Social Security #

Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security And Social Security#s
Use their search engine to find out how to change your Social Security# and much much more.

FAQs On Name Changes (Not State Specific)

Changing Your Name On A Passport (Great Links And Brochures)

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Recording Conversations

Secretly Recording A Call Between Two States Where It's Legal In Your State But Illegal In the Other State
Here a Georgia company was found liable in California for secretly recording conversations with California residents, even though this was legal in Georgia.  The California Supreme court found the act illegal in California and that the case could be heard in a California court, applying California law. Who called who was irrelevant in the court's analysis. See also the precautions you should take if you plan on recording phone calls and conversations. See also Other Cases on Recording Interstate Phone Calls.

Search Opinions Of The Texas Attorney General For Your Consumer Issue

Taping Telephone Conversations (The Laws in all 50 States & DC)

Recording Telephone Conversations (FCC)

Privacy Resources On The Internet (Links & Descriptions)

Privacy Links (From The Privacy Rights Clearing House)

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Phone Matters

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Junk Mail, Spam & Telemarketers

The National Do Not Call Registry
Most telemarketers cannot call your telephone number if it is in the National Do Not Call Registry. You can register your home and mobile phone numbers for free. Your registration will be effective for five years.

Avoiding Spam-How To Bypass Compulsory Web Registration (
Get the news articles you want, without the Spam. Bypass the login of web sites that require compulsory registration and/or the collection of personal/demographic information (such as the New York Times). Gives you a list of passwords and login ID's to use so you don't have to register.

Create A Fake Email Inbox To Get Passwords and Login Info Without Giving The Site Your Real Email Address (mailinater)
Want to Sign Up for The NY Times but not get the spam?
If your email address is required so you can get a password to log on, use mailinater to create a short-lived temporary email inbox. This allows you to get what you need from them without divulging your real email address. mailinater accounts are created when mail arrives for them. No signup, no personal
information, and when you're done - you can walk away. It's all free.

Individuals use Tor to keep websites from tracking them and their family members, or to connect to news sites, instant messaging services, or the like when these are blocked by their local Internet providers. Tor's hidden services let users publish web sites and other services without needing to reveal the location of the site. Individuals also use Tor for socially sensitive communication: chat rooms and web forums for rape and abuse survivors, or people with illnesses.

Search Opinions Of The Texas Attorney General For Your Consumer Issue

Clean Your Computer Tracks-Privacy Tools
Freeware that deletes Internet cache, spyware, etc. and erases your deleted files for good.

Privacy Clearing House Fact Sheets (Emphasis on California Law but good for everybody)
Learn what to do to stop junk mail, harassing phone calls and Identity Theft. Has numerous articles and tips.

André Bacard's Privacy Page
Scroll down for privacy websites, advice on surfing anonymously and getting rid of cookies.

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