Home  Your State  Disabilities


Accommodations (Public) Health & Medical
Aids Housing
Assistive Technology Insurance & Benefits
Children & Youth In Home Support & Services
Civil Rights And Protections Recreation & Travel
Education & Training Transportation
Employment & Accommodation Veterans
Respite Care (To Relieve Caregiver) Misc./Where Else To Go For Help













Social Security Disability Benefits (How To Apply)

Living With AIDS (Federal And California Law)
Laws on HIV and Confidentiality, Family Law, Health Care, Discrimination and more.

Disability Help In Every State & DC
Find out about: General Information About State Resources,
State Government Agencies, Federally Funded Programs, Parent and Professional Organizations and Technology Assistance for The Disabled.

Travelers With Disabilities
Includes specific precautions for travelers with immune systems weakened by diseases such as HIV, leukemia, and lymphoma.

See Consumer-SOS/Health & Medical

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Accommodations (Public)

Civil Rights And Protections (Consumer-SOS)

Bathroom-SOS (National Directory of Public Bathrooms)
Some bathrooms are rated for disability access.

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Assistive Technology For The Disabled

Assistive Technology For The Disabled
Covers a broad ranch of topics including Assistive Technology, Careers in Information, Technology, Communication, Government Accessibility, Product Accessibility, Your Technology Rights and Federal Service Locators.

Enlarge The Small Print On Your Computer Screen Through Free Downloads
Read the fine print from emails and hard-to-read websites. Better than what's on Windows or Explorer.
Allows you to zoom in on the small print.

States With Lemon Laws For Wheelchairs and Other Assistive Devices
For CA, GA, LA, MD, MA, MT, NJ, NY, RI, OH, PA, WA and WI. If asked for your password, just press cancel and site will appear.

Access To Telecommunications
The FCC works hard to make sure that people with disabilities--such as a hearing, visual, speech, or other disability--get the same opportunities as everyone else to telecommunicate.

Consumers’ Guide To Telecommunications Relay Services (FCC)

Closed Captioning On TV

Disability Help In Every State & DC
Find out about: General Information About State Resources, State Government Agencies, Federally Funded Programs, Parent and Professional Organizations and Technology Assistance for The Disabled.

See Education & Training
See Employment & Accommodation

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Children & Youth

Youth With Disabilities
Information in this section is helpful to youth with disabilities, their parents and families, teachers, and counselors.

State Links For Children With Disabilities (All 50 States & DC)
For Federal links and other resources click here.

National Dissemination Center For Children With Disabilities (All 50 States & DC)
A central source of information on disabilities, (federal and by state) for infants, toddlers, children, and youth. Here, you’ll also find easy-to-read information on IDEA, the law authorizing early intervention services and special education.

Disability Help In Every State & DC
Find out about: General Information About State Resources, State Government Agencies, Federally Funded Programs, Parent and Professional Organizations and Technology Assistance for The Disabled.

See Education & Training
See Employment & Accommodation

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Civil Rights And Protections

Civil Rights & Protections
Find out your rights and the type of accommodations you can receive in regards to Communications, Employment, Education, Health, Housing, Transportation and accessibility to buildings.

The Americans With Disabilities Act Questions & Answers (Good)

Disability & Business Technical Assistance Centers
Ten regional “one-stop” centers are available to provide information and assistance on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) issues.

Legal Rights For The Deaf (National, with one link from Texas)
Find out what rights the deaf have on cruise ships, in prisons and with the hospitality industry and more.

Disability Help In Every State & DC
Find out about: General Information About State Resources, State Government Agencies, Federally Funded Programs, Parent and Professional Organizations and Technology Assistance for The Disabled.

For Free Legal Assistance

See Consumer-SOS/Lawyers/Courts and Self Help
See Consumer-SOS/The Workplace

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Education & Training

Learning Resources (Google Search)
The resources here will assist individuals with learning and other disabilities by providing critical information needed to increase the quality of the education they receive. A number of sites are directed toward college-bound young people with disabilities.

Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (All States & DC)
Information about the SSA’s vocational rehabilitation programs and listings of state and private vocational rehabilitation providers.

Youth With Disabilities
Information in this section is helpful to youth with disabilities, their parents and families, teachers, and counselors.

Disability Help In Every State & DC
Find out about: General Information About State Resources, State Government Agencies, Federally Funded Programs, Parent and Professional Organizations and Technology Assistance for The Disabled.

See Employment & Accommodation
See Children & Youth

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Employment & Accommodation

Disability Help In Every State & DC
Find out about: General Information About State Resources, State Government Agencies, Federally Funded Programs, Parent and Professional Organizations and Technology Assistance for The Disabled.

More On Employment For The Disabled
This section of the OESP web site contains information that can help advocates assist people with disabilities who want to work.

Labor Departments & Employment Services (All 50 States & DC)

Job Links
The employers listed here have indicated interest in recruiting and hiring qualified individuals with disabilities for open positions within their company or organization.

For more job links, see  http://www.disability.gov

Jobs (Google)
This section provides assistance to individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping jobs. Here you will find standard job banks and resume-building sites, along with sites dealing with self-employment, work incentives for Social Security recipients, and job accommodations. 

See Education & Training
See Assistive Technology For The Disabled
See Civil Rights And Protections
See Consumer-SOS/The Workplace

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Health & Medical

Health Care,Insurance, And Service Supports 
Medicaid, insurance, managed care and long term services and supports and more.

Specific Health Conditions and Disabilities 
Scroll to the bottom for links on Neurological Disorders, Arthritis, Diabetes and Epilepsy.

Disability Help In Every State & DC
Find out about: General Information About State Resources,
State Government Agencies, Federally Funded Programs, Parent and Professional Organizations and Technology Assistance for The Disabled.

Low Cost Medicines
One-stop link to thousands of low Cost medicines offered through hundreds of patient assistance programs sponsored by member companies, non-member companies and government and local organizations.

Benefits Checkup
Find programs for people ages 55 and over that may pay for some of their costs of prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential items or services. Please fill out their simple questionnaire to find programs that can assist you or your loved ones.

Social Security Disability Benefits (How To Apply)

See Insurance & Benefits
See Children & Youth
See Consumer-SOS/Insurance
See Consumer-SOS/Health & Medical
See Consumer-SOS/The Workplace

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Centers For Independent Living (All 50 States & DC)
Phone numbers of Federal agencies in every state.

In Home Support & Services (Consumer-SOS)

World Institute On Disability
WID is a non-profit international public policy center dedicated to carrying out cutting-edge research on disability issues and overcoming obstacles to independent living.

Housing For People With Disabilities
Information on Accessibility, Buying a Home, Housing Options, Renting, Your Housing Rights and more.

HUD Approved Counseling Agencies In Every State & DC
Housing counseling agencies throughout the country who can
give you advice on buying a home, renting, defaults, foreclosures, credit issues and reverse mortgages.

Disability Help In Every State & DC
Find out about: General Information About State Resources, State Government Agencies, Federally Funded Programs, Parent and Professional Organizations and Technology Assistance for The Disabled.

See Consumer-SOS/Landlord/Tenant
See Consumer-SOS/Home Matters

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In Home Support & Services

Centers For Independent Living (All 50 States & DC)
Phone numbers of Federal agencies in every state.

Benefits Checkup
Find programs for people ages 55 and over that may pay for some of their costs of prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential items or services. Please fill out their simple questionnaire to find programs that can assist you or your loved ones.

Cleaning For A Reason: Free House Cleaning For Women With Cancer (50 States, DC & Canada)
If you are a woman with cancer and at least 18 years old, their affiliate maid services will provide you with a free cleaning once a month for up to 4 months. After your application is complete and your doctor verification is received, they'll contact the maid service partner in your area. For more information see How To Register.

See Insurance & Benefits

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Insurance & Benefits

Low Cost Medicines
One-stop link to thousands of low Cost medicines offered through hundreds of patient assistance programs sponsored by member companies, non-member companies and government and local organizations.

Benefits Checkup
Find programs for people ages 55 and over that may pay for some of their costs of prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential items or services. Please fill out their simple questionnaire to find programs that can assist you or your loved ones.

Social Security Disability Benefits (How To Apply)

The Social Security Handbook

Social Security Disability Secrets
Advice, FAQS and in depth answers from a former Social Security Claims Examiner. Learn how to apply, how to prepare your case and more.

Health Care, Insurance, And Service Supports 
Medicaid, insurance, managed care and long term services and supports and more.

See Health & Medical
See Consumer-SOS/Insurance
See Consumer-SOS/Health & Medical
See Consumer-SOS/The Workplace

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Recreation & Travel

Legal Rights For The Deaf
Find out what rights the deaf have on cruise ships, in prisons and with the hospitality industry and more.

Travelers With Disabilities
Find out how accessible specific destinations are for travelers with disabilities.  Also includes specific precautions for travelers with immune systems weakened by diseases such as HIV, leukemia, and lymphoma.

See Consumer-SOS/Travel

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Legal Rights For The Deaf
Find out what rights the deaf have on cruise ships, in prisons and with the hospitality industry and more.

Transportation, Access, Your Rights And More

The National Center on Senior Transportation (866) 528-NCST or  (202) 347-7385 (TDD).
Our mission is to increase transportation options for older adults and enhance their ability to live more independently within their communities throughout the United States. Staff from NCST helps members of the aging services and transportation communities address a diverse array of transportation issues, directs callers to additional resources and answers questions about ADA rights and responsibilities. We also encourage you to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

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Veteran's Benefits

Service Women's Action Network (SWAN)
Securing equal opportunity and freedom to serve without discrimination, harassment or assault; and to reform veterans’ services to ensure high quality health care and benefits for women veterans and their families.

National Veterans Legal Service Program (NVLSP) (Disability Benefits)

Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program (For US Appeals Ct Claims Re Veteran's Issues)

American Legion
Helps veterans in Jobs, Benefits, Education, Health Care, Family and Finances
VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars)
Whether it's helping service members and their families through long deployments or cope with rough financial times, NMS programs put our military families first. From providing free phone time and emergency financial assistance to farewell and welcome home ceremonies and college scholarships, the NMS department is here supporting our troops day in and day out.

DAV (Disabled American Veteran)

  • Free professional assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other agencies of government.
  • Provides a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
  • Outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally, and to disabled veterans and their families specifically.
  • Represents the interests of disabled veterans, their families, their widowed spouses and their orphans before Congress, the White House and the Judicial Branch, as well as state and local government.

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Respite Care (Rest For The Caregiver)

Respite Care Links In All 50 States
Family caregivers may qualify for free respite support where trained caretakers can watch your dependents while you have a few hours to yourself. Some states provide respite services to:

Foster caregivers;
Family caregivers providing care for individuals age 60 or older;
Family caregivers providing care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, regardless of age; or
Grandparents and other relative caregivers (not parents) 55 years of age and older providing care to children under age 18; or age 18-59;
Caregivers to those with disabilities.

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Misc./Where Else To Go For Help

Civil Rights And Protections (Consumer-SOS)

Disability Advocacy Centers In All 50 States

Disability Links In All 50 States

National Find Family Registry For People with Disabilities
Open to people seeking each other even though just bits of information are available.
May help reunite those who lost touch with family members with disabilities for other reasons too, like divorce, foster care or adoption, personal problems or misfortune.

United Way Help Line  (For All 50 States, DC & Puerto Rico)
Choose your state, select your city, and look up help agencies galore!!! Their stellar search engine can lead you to any social service topic imaginable.  Type in the word "Disabilities" and out pops dozens of advocate and social service agencies in your city and state. For help with a specific disability, type in "disabled and  (the name of your disability)".

Find The AARP In Your State
The AARP offers legal advocacy for seniors and may also have state specific consumer brochures which are available to everyone.

National Help Orgs For A V

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Disabilities (Your State)