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Divorce & Marriage
Divorce & Marriage

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Divorce & Marriage

Getting a Divorce in Illinois
Basic facts on grounds for divorce, residency requirements, marital property and custody and visitation.

"No fault" Divorce: What You Must Prove (Illinois) 

Name Changes (Consumer-SOS)

Obtaining Divorce Records (Illinois)
Must pay a small fee.

Marriage FAQS, Fees, License Info And Other Information (Illinois)

Marriage Laws in Illinois

Legal Advice to Newly Marrieds (Illinois)
Basic tips on what legal stuff you need to do.

Grounds for Annulment (Illinois) 

Parents' Legal Responsibility to Support and Supervise Their Children (Illinois)
Parents are required to provide proper care for children under age 18 by giving them food, clothing, shelter, supervision and medical care.By law, parents may have to pay for damages their children cause as a result of a willful, malicious act.

Collaborative divorce' growing in acceptance (Illinois) 

The legal issues involved in ending a marriage (Illinois) 

Online divorce forms are not the best choice (Illinois) 

Child Support & Visitation Brochures

How Child Custody & Support Are Determined in custody & Divorce cases (Illinois)
The court can enter temporary or final orders concerning custody of the children. The court awards either sole custody to one parent or joint custody to both, based on the children's "best interests."
For another link click HERE.

Issues related to child support payments (Illinois)

Penalties exist for failure to pay child support (Illinois)

Taking the step to hire a divorce lawyer (Illinois) 

Illinois Government Forms A-Z
Has forms for Businesses, tax issues, voting, complaints, licenses, workers comp, etc.

Other Sources On Divorce Law

Divorcesource.com (All 50 States & DC)
Learn everything about your state residency requirements, where to file, property distribution and support & custody issues.  

Divorce.net (All 50 States & DC)
Scroll down to your state for divorce related issues such as child custody, dividing property, establishing paternity, Enforcing child support orders and  much, much more.

Divorce Central (All 50 States & DC)
Info on
grounds for divorce, alimony, custody and support. Also has links to state help groups such as the courts, Department Of Human Resources and legal aid.

Claiming Dependants On Your Taxes
Here are the 5 tests used to determine if you can take a federal tax deduction. Includes information on custodial and non-custodial parents.

For Specific Rules and Examples click Here and scroll to your situation.

Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Act:
If you're a reserve component service member called to active duty, you're protected by a law that can save you some legal problems and possibly some money as well. Under the provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, you may qualify for any or all of the following: • Reduced interest rate on mortgage payments. • Reduced interest rate on credit card debt. • Protection from eviction if your rent is $1,200 or less. • Delay of all civil court actions, such as bankruptcy, foreclosure or divorce proceedings.

Marriage & Divorce Laws of the Fifty States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
This table links to the marriage & divorce laws of the states and attempts to summarize some of their salient points. 

States That Recognize Common Law Marriage

FAQs On Name Changes (Not State Specific)

Where To Write For Vital Records (50 States & DC)
For birth, death and marriage certificates, divorce papers and more.

Divorce Decrees & Credit (Myths)

How To Protect Your Credit In A Divorce

Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDROs) Booklet
Things to consider relating to your pension savings if you’re getting a divorce.

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