Home  Your State  Public Records

Public Records
Corporate & Government Records (Includes Public Schools & Government Run Agencies, Taxes, Courts, etc.)

Corporate Records
Government Records

Related Topics
Occupational Licensing Boards
People Search







Corporate Records
Trademarks (State, Federal & Abroad)
Incorporations & Company Info

SEC Filings




Search For Federal Trademarks Held By Others

Search For State Trademarks Held By Others 
State trademarks are often found at your Secretary of State's Office.  Usually you can find this information under "Trademarks" or "Tradenames & Service marks."

Obtaining Corporate Records (On Specific Companies)
Comb through Securities & Exchange Commission fillings, trademark applications, and pending patents. Register here and the free site will stakeout up to ten companies of your choice and send you the information via email.

Public Records In All 50 States & DC
Good for finding info on court records, liens, real property, etc. in every state.

For More See Consumer-SOS/Business Matters
For Even More See Other

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Incorporations & Company Info

Incorporations In All 50 States

Secretary Of State (Links To All 50 States)
Find your Secretary Of State which often has information on corporations, charities and licensing boards.  Find out who licenses, lawyers, doctors, car dealers and home repair contractors.

Obtaining Corporate Records (On Specific Companies)
Comb through Securities & Exchange Commission fillings, trademark applications, and pending patents. Register here and the free site will stakeout up to ten companies of your choice and send you the information via email.

Public Records In All 50 States & DC
Good for finding info on court records, liens, real property, etc. in every state.

Information On US & International Companies
Find the company behind the brand name, where they're located, their financial info, their officers, subsidiaries, who they advertise with, what media they use, and more.

Thomas' Food Industry Register  
Registration required but it's free. Use search engine on left hand side to find the company's name, address and phone number, the products it produces and the government agencies that regulate both the products and the company itself. 

For More See Consumer-SOS/Business Matters
For Even More See Other

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SEC Filings

Obtaining Corporate Records (On Specific Companies)
Comb through Securities & Exchange Commission fillings, trademark applications, and pending patents. Register here and the free site will stakeout up to ten companies of your choice and send you the information via email.

Public Records (All 50 states, Not DC)
May have one or all of the Following:
Bankruptcies, licensing boards, charity reports, military records, SEC Filings, inmate database, sex offender registry,  you name it.

Public Records In All 50 States & DC
Good for finding info on court records, liens, real property, etc. in every state.

For More See Consumer-SOS/Business Matters
For Even More See Other

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www.sec.state.la.us/sosdir.htm (Links To All 50 States)
Find your Secretary Of State which often has information on corporations, charities and licensing boards.  Find out who licenses, lawyers, doctors, car dealers and home repair contractors.

Public Records In All 50 States & DC
Good for finding info on court records, liens, real property, etc. in every state.

For More See Consumer-SOS/Charities

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Government Records
Court Records
Tax Records

Freedom Of Information Sources

Court Records

Public Records In All 50 States & DC
Good for finding info on court records, liens, real property, etc. in every state.

State Court Links (All 50 States)
Also includes some municipal courts and has courts in other countries!

For More See People Search and
  Consumer-SOS/Lawyers & Courts

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Tax Records

Tax Assessor Data Base (All 50 States, Not DC)
Find phone numbers and links to tax assessors throughout the US.

Public Records In All 50 States & DC
Good for finding info on court records, liens, real property, etc. in every state.

For More See Consumer-SOS/Taxes

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Freedom Of Information Sources

What Are "Sunshine" Laws? (Good Overview)

Tapping Official Secrets (All 50 states & DC)
A complete reference work to open records and open meeting statutes in every state & DC.

Search by key word to access over 60 federal databases on presidential records, congressional photos, public laws, congressional hearings, etc.

Search by key word to access over 60 federal databases on presidential records, congressional photos, public laws, congressional hearings, etc.

Obtain Your Own FBI File

State Open Records Acts (All 50 States & DC)
Names and phone numbers of groups where you can learn about your state's Sunshine Laws.

Federal Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) (Reviewing Info On Others) 
Scroll to the "United States" (Links to many countries).

Freedom Of Information Laws (Overview)

Access To Electronic Records (All 50 States & DC)
Guide to gaining access to computer records.

FOIA Statutes-State By State (Includes DC)
Links To Every State's Sunshine Laws.

Access To Government Electronic Records (All States & DC)

Federal Privacy Act
(Your Right To See Records Kept On You)
Scroll To the United States (Lists many other countries).

Your Right To Federal Records

Student Records-Your Right To Keep Them Private (ACLU)
Also learn what you can see and what's off limits to you. 

Automatic Public Records Request
Letter Generator
: (Just Fill In The Blanks)
Use this letter generator to request access to records held by a state or local government agency or body (e.g., public school district, public university campus police, state board of health, etc.). If you want to obtain records held by the federal government click here.

Find Your Local Newspaper, Magazine, Radio & TV Stations
These guys are experts at making open records requests. Get them interested in your cause and they may do all the work for you! Select your state, and then click on your county or city for the proper media to report to. (DC Not Included).

For More See Other

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TV, Radio, Newspapers
Numerous Other Public Records


Thomas' Food Industry Register  
Registration required but it's free. Use search engine on left hand side to find the company's name, address and phone number, the products it produces and the government agencies that regulate both the products and the company itself. 

For More, See Consumer-SOS/Food Matters

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TV, Radio, Newspapers

Find Your Local Newspaper, Magazine, Radio & TV Stations
These guys are experts at making open records requests. Get them interested in your cause and they may do all the work for you! Select your state, and then click on your county or city for the proper media to report to. (DC Not Included).

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Numerous Other Public Records

Public Records (All 50 states, Not DC)
May have one or all of the following:
Bankruptcies, licensing boards, charity reports, military records, SEC Filings, inmate database, sex offender registry and more.

Public Records In All 50 States & DC
Good for finding info on court records, liens, real property, etc. in every state.

Experts & Professionals (Consumer-SOS)
Has a grievance been filed against your Doctor, Lawyer or Architect?  Click here and find out.

Public Record Megasites
Scroll down and see what your state, county and city has to offer. Results vary from UCC and state trademark info, to information on personal bankruptcies.

Portal To All Fed Government Agencies On The Web
Use their search engine to look up keyword information even if you don't know which federal agency is involved. This site provides access to all three branches of the federal government-executive, legislative and judicial-as well as independent federal agencies.   It also has links to local government sites.

Related Topics With Public Records

Bankruptcy Home Matters
Business Matters Internet
Cars & Motor Vehicles Money & Investments
Charities Occupational Licensing Boards
Crime Victims People Search 
Divorce Privacy
Food Matters Refunds/Replacements & Repairs
Government (Politics) Taxes
Lawyers & Courts Travel (Air Safety & Delays)

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Public Records