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Home  Texas  Bankruptcy


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FAQ's & Articles

FAQS Under the New Bankruptcy Laws
Biggest Changes: Debtor must now pass the "means test" and get mandatory consumer credit counseling. Debtor's assets are now valued higher and refiling for a second or third bankruptcy is much tougher. To take advantage of a state's pro bankruptcy laws, you must now reside there for two years instead of three months.

Bankruptcy Answers To Frequently Asked Questions
See left hand index for changes in the law, common mistakes, FAQs about discharging liens, garnishments, mortgages, student loans, taxes, making a budgets, etc. Great for federal law (non-residents should ignore Kentucky law links).

The New Bankruptcy Laws for 2006 and Beyond

Basic FAQs About Bankruptcy (Good Overview)
Not state Specific but very good anyway.

The New Bankruptcy Laws (Federal For All States)
Also has info on discharging credit cards, divorce debts and more

Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 VS Chapter 13
Find out which is the better option for you.

Bankruptcy FAQs (Eastern District Of Texas) 
Answers to questions asked by both creditors and debtors. Also has filing information.  Due to new Bankruptcy Laws, some things may have changed.

Creditor Bankruptcy FAQs (Western District Of Texas) 

Debtor Bankruptcy FAQs (Western District Of Texas) 

Bankruptcy FAQs On Chapters 7 and 12 (Texas) 

Bankruptcy Terms You Should Know (Western District Of Texas)  

Family Law & Bankruptcy FAQs (Texas)   
What happens when your ex-spouse declares bankruptcy.

How Various Kinds Of Debt Are Treated In Bankruptcy
Find out how bankruptcy treats debt from credit cards, taxes, home loans, student Loans, lawsuits, and child support.

Discharging Taxes In Bankruptcy

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In Texas

In Other States

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What Is An Exemption?

Exemptions In Texas
Scroll to middle of the page and click on your state.

Other Exemptions 

The States Where You Can Choose Between Federal & State Exemptions 

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In Other States

Exemptions In Each Of The Fifty States & DC
Scroll to middle of the page and click on your state.

Bankruptcy Exemptions (In 47 States)

The States Where You Can Choose Between Federal & State Exemptions 

Federal Exemptions  Found In The US Bankruptcy Code

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Courts (In Texas)

Texas Bankruptcy Courts 

Did They Filed For Bankruptcy? (All 50 States & DC)
Simply call each state's automated system and punch in the person's name. A recorded message will tell you if or when they've filed for bankruptcy. It's all free. Records before the year 2000 may not be available. 

Bankruptcy Court Websites (Includes Texas)
Scroll down for your state or click on the left for contact numbers for the clerks and judges.

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Texas Bankruptcy Forms

Download Free Bankruptcy Forms

More Bankruptcy Forms

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Law Links

ABI World - American Bankruptcy Institute
Bankruptcy options and alternatives for consumers 
the rights of creditors and idea exchange for attorneys and accountants and more.

Find federal and state laws on bankruptcy.  Also includes some case law, bankruptcy law journals and links to other bankruptcy sources.
Self help on bankruptcy related subjects such as 
Avoiding Overspending, Credit and Debit Cards, Strategies for Repaying Debts, Debt Collections, Student Loans, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and Credit Repair.

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Related Topics
Credit & Debt
Lawyers, Courts & Self Help
Student Loans

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