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Home  Georgia Scams & Cons

Scams & Cons

Sleuth For The Truth (Do Your Own Free Baclground Checks)
Free Youtube videos on do it yourself online background checks. Protect yourself and your family before you hire them, date them or let them into your home. Find out about their bankruptcies, felonies, misdemeanors, mugshots, arrests, convictions, and  more. Verify is someone is telling you the truth about their age, their past and their property.  A background check will show you the things you never thought to ask but really need to know! Good for singles on the dating scene, small business owners, investors, landlords, roommates, single moms and parents.

Bad Checks-How To Prosecute In Georgia

A List Of Scams & Tips Against Them (Consumer-SOS)

Fake Check Schemes
It all starts when someone gives you a realistic-looking check or money order and asks you to send cash somewhere in return. It's phony, Even if you can cash it, your bank will demand you pay back the money.

Collecting A Debt-Legal Ways To Locate Someone's Bank Account If They're Hiding Money From You

Internet Scams To Trick You Into Revealing Your Password & Personal Data
So, you got a message to click on this link so your email account or credit card won't be canceled.  Well it could be a trap!!!!!  And you could be directed to a bogus look alike website made to trick you into giving up your password, credit card # or other personal information.

Internet Crime Complaint Center
IFCC offers a central repository for law enforcement regarding Internet fraud, works to quantify fraud patterns, and provides timely statistical data of current fraud trends.

National Fraud Information Center
Where to report internet and other types of fraud.

Classic Cons... And How to Counter Them   
ATM scams, Nigerian scams, credit card fraud, debt relief fraud, identity theft, investment fraud, telemarketing fraud, the phony investigator and more.

Other Scams And Tips Against Them


Avoiding Office Supply Scams (FTC Brochure with Links)

Business Scams (The 6 Most Common)

See also Scam-Proofing your Business

National Help Orgs For A Variety Of Consumer Problems
The Elderly, Environment, Families, Fraud, Health & Safety, Insurance The Handicapped, Medical Problems, Telemarketing and more.