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Home  Georgia Support Groups

Support Groups

Abuse (Physical or Sexual) Gambling
ADHD Grief & Bereavement
Aids Incest
Alzheimer's (Includes Caregivers) Internet
Autism & Children With Special Needs Overworking
Cancer Parkinson's Disease
Career Transitions Prisoners & Their Families
Christian  Sex & Love Addicts
Debt Singles (Includes Christian Singles)
Depression Smoking
Divorce & Separation Suicide
Drugs & Alcohol Widowed
Eating Disorders Veterans
Emotions Other Support Groups

Related Topics
Children & Parents
Domestic Violence















Domestic Violence & Crime Victims (Consumer-SOS)

Partnership Against Domestic Violence (404) 873-1766

Adult Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Support Group (678-578-4888) 

National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-7233
Helps victim of domestic violence and their families.  They discuss options, safety planning, give legal help, and provide counseling and referrals.

For More, See Christian Support Groups, Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Attention Deficit Disorder/ADHD
With a little effort, you can find other moms and dads whose kids are hyperactive or inattentive, learning disabled or anxious. Two national support and advocacy organizations, CHADD and the Attention Deficit Disorder Association, sponsor networking and educational events at the regional level. The Learning Disabilities Association of America also offers local meetings. All three list chapter locations and meeting schedules on their websites

You can also find such by Googling
adhd georgia parent discussion groups or by searching for these groups on Facebook or

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Project Open Hand (GA) (404) 872-8089 or 872-6947 
Delivers food to the homes of aids patients who live inside the Atlanta Perimeter.  They also have satellite drop-off sites in Gwinnett and Cobb counties.  

Sisterlove, Inc. (404) 753-7733
An Aids prevention, education and support agency for affected families.

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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GA Alzheimer's & Caregivers Support Group (Google)

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Autism & Special Needs Children

Families of Children Under Stress-FOCUS (Georgia) 770-234-9111
To listen, inform and educate, and offer programs for the child with special needs.
Last Thursday of each month during the school year. 10 am. Chick-Fil-A, 1201 Johnson Ferry Road, Marietta. Contact Angie by phone or at

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National Cancer Information Center (800) 422-6237
Types of Cancer, Treatments, Clinical Trials, Risk Factors, Publications and Reports, Statistics, Health Disparities and more.

American Cancer Society (All 50 States, Not DC)
Click on the type of cancer you want to know about and also get the ACS chapters in your area

Cleaning For A Reason: Free House Cleaning For Women With Cancer (50 States, DC & Canada)
If you are a woman with cancer and at least 18 years old, their affiliate maid services will provide you with a free cleaning once a month for up to 4 months. After your application is complete and your doctor verification is received, they'll contact the maid service partner in your area. For more information see How To Apply.

CSC Atlanta Cancer Support Community (404) 888-0050(404-843-1880
Provides cancer patients with free psychological, emotional and educational support which includes group, support, network support and stress management programs for both children and adults.

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Career Transitions

Career Transitions (Metro Atlanta And Beyond)
Help with the job search and moral support and accountability.

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Singles Serving Singles (Metro Atlanta)
Facebook group of over 1500 Christian singles who help each other out. Could be asking for prayer, finding a place to rent, or anything you can think of! Just join and ask! Jesus loves those who ask seek and knock!

Learn practical ways to delight in Jesus and how He delights in You! Email for prayer and legal advice. 


Atlanta Care Center (404) 262-2273
This is a crisis pregnancy center that ministers to women of all ages. They care for mothers in every way possible emphasizing the sanctity of life.  Over a 100 women a month visit the Center's clothing closet, full of all kinds of maternity and baby clothes.  Volunteer counselors assure the expecting mother that she is not alone in her situation and that the Atlanta Care Center will help her all the way through the pregnancy.

Other Ministries

Resurrection Life (404) 636-5924
Deals with issues of sexual brokenness through individual and family counseling and support groups for those struggling with homosexuality.

Stephen Ministry
Stephen ministers are members of various protestant churches who have undergone training in Christian care-giving skills and who are available to meet free of charge with those who are grieving, depressed or experiencing other stresses in life.

Christian Psychiatrists & Psychologists

Atlanta Christian Counseling Centers

Dr. Doug Rosenau (678) 693-2805
Dr. Rosenau specializes in treating people who have issues related to sexual brokenness and intimacy.

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Debtor's Anonymous Near You

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

National Institute of Mental Health (800) 421-4211
For Free Brochures on Depression Awareness and Recognition and Treatment.
Brochures offered in Both English and Spanish.

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Divorce & Separation

Divorce Care Recovery Groups Throughout The US
DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.

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Drugs & Alcohol

Families Anonymous
FA is a 12 step fellowship for the family and friends of those individuals with
drug, alcohol or related behavioral issues. We are here to help!

Paulding County Community Service Directory (GA)
See Counseling & Support Services.

Alcoholics Anonymous
For answers to questions such as how to tell if you are an alcoholic.

American Society Of Addiction Medicine
ASAM is dedicated to educating physicians and improving the 
treatment of  individuals suffering from alcoholism and other addictions.

National Substance Abuse Agencies ClearingHouse  

Council On Alcohol & Drugs  

Metro Atlanta Recovery Residences (MARR) (Drugs and Alcohol) (770) 457-2016

Cocaine Anonymous For Georgia

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center (GA)
For anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, compulsive exercise, males, females.

Find An Overeaters Anonymous Near You (World Wide)
Overeaters Anonymous has approximately 7500 meeting groups in over 50 countries worldwide. Search for a meeting by choosing your country or state below or use their search engine

National Association For Anorexia & Associated Disorders
Call the national hotline at 847-831-3438 for a listing of support groups and referrals in your area.

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Emotions Anonymous World Meeting List

For More, See Other Support Groups

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Gamblers Anonymous (National And International Meetings)

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Grief & Loss

Widows Helping Others (WHO) 770-552-6400 ext. 6018
St. Ann's Catholic Church, La Salette Hall, 4905 Roswell Road, Marietta.

Compassionate Friends For Grieving Parents, Grandparents and Siblings
1st Tuesday of each month, 7pm. First Baptist Church, 148 Church Street, Marietta
Call or email Kathy Kelcourse 770-579-3512 or 404-539-4287, Email at or

SHARE Atlanta
E-mail support groups for parents who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal distress.

The Link Counseling Center (GA)
Offers counseling and support groups throughout Metropolitan Atlanta for grief support and suicide prevention

SHARE Groups Chapter (314) 947-6164
National organization supports parents who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal distress.

For More, See Suicide
 Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Survivors of Incest Anonymous (Google)

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics  

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Workaholics Anaynymous-Find A Meeting In Various States

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Support Groups in Georgia (Google Recent)
Support groups for patients and their families. Returns are from within the last 12 months only.

Prisoners & Their Families

LOOPS (Loved Ones Of Prisoners), Inc.
Non-denominational, Christian organization dedicated to the support and restoration of prisoners and their families.

F.F.I.P. (Friends and Family of Incarcerated Persons)
Support Group for Families and Friends of People Incarcerated.

Dearest Mom's Home Site
The support site is for moms who have a grown child in the prison system. We welcome new moms all the time and the moms at the site are of great support. Also very caring and no bias opinions...or ask any questions. Just good ol' fashion support and love. This is our third year in operation.

United Way Help Line  (For All 50 States, DC & Puerto Rico)
Choose your state, select your city, and look up help agencies throughout the country. Their stellar search engine can lead you to any social service topic you can think of.  For example, type in the words "Children and (the name of your topic)" or "prison" and "rehabilitation".

Sex And Love Addicts

Sexual Addiction Links & Articles

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous Georgia (404) 239-8048

For More, See Christian Support Groups, Other Support Groups and Related Topics.

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Here's how to find singles at events near you.
Meet people doing what you love. is not just for singles, but you can join any of their 250,000 groups worldwide, from wine tasting, to hiking to learning computer programing. There's also dating groups as well. Most meetups are face to face.  And it's free.
Choose your city and state and the date to see what free or low cost events are happening. Good if you're clueless on what to do on the weekend or want somewhere fun to take a date.

For Christian Singles (search for groups with the term "Christian Singles")

Echo Ministries of GA (Hiking)
Echo is a Bible-based, non-denominational, Christian singles ministry in Metro Atlanta Georgia. They mostly go on hikes but also have Pizza Bible studies and movie nights.

Apex Christian Singles Fellowship (GA)
This metro Atlanta group has activities for Christian singles. Their calendar seems most active during the Summer. Sadly there may be not much happening in Winter months.

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The Georgia Tobacco Quit Line 1-877-270-7867
Provides referrals to smoking cessation classes and group meetings for Nicotine Anonymous along with information about prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Smoker's Kick The Habit Support Groups (Google)

Center For Disease Control Anti-Smoking Resources

For More, See Other Support Groups and Related Topics

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The Link Counseling Center (GA)
Offers counseling and support groups throughout Metropolitan Atlanta for grief support and suicide prevention

Suicide Crisis Centers & Support Groups (All 50 States & DC)

American Foundation For Suicide Prevention
The AFSP has  resources for survivors of
suicide, including a directory of support groups in the US,
survivor stories, and information on the 1998 Survivors'

Treatment Advocacy Center
Call (800) 784-2433 for Suicide preppcention Hotline
The Hopeline links callers to a certified crisis center nearest the caller's location. Crisis centers networked under this single, toll-free number are certified by the American Association of Suicidology, thus assuring compliance with national standards and quality of services.  Butler notes that certification is significant because only about 10 percent of the nation's active crisis centers are certified by independent agencies.

For More See Grief & Loss


Veterans Empowerment Organization-VEO (404-889-8710) (GA)
Provides unconditional immediate supportive housing & specialized social services to underserved veterans in Greater Atlanta. Help includes immediate and long-term housing, treatment and recovery for addiction, healthy meals, basic necessities, and clothing, as well as medical care, mental health counseling, life-skills training and workforce development support.

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Widows Helping Others (WHO) 770-552-6400 ext. 6018
St. Ann's Catholic Church, La Salette Hall, 4905 Roswell Road, Marietta.

See also Grief & Bereavement (Consumer-SOS)

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Other Support Groups (And Places To Find Support Groups)

Parents of Prodigals
Offers biblical / secular support to the hurting parents of prodigal children through a class known as Surviving a Prodigal. This bible study support group meets in homes once a week for 11 weeks and is offered at no cost several times throughout the year to provide support, encouragement, prayer, hope, accountability, and resources to the parents of Prodigals..

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group (Google)
Plug in your city.

United Way Of Metropolitan Atlanta  (Or Dial 211)
Telephone-based, comprehensive information and referral program that connects callers who need help as well as those who want to help (volunteers, donations) to local organizations.

American Society Of Addiction Medicine
ASAM is dedicated to educating physicians and improving the 
treatment of  individuals suffering from alcoholism and other addictions.

United Way Help Line (For all 50 States, DC & Puerto Rico)
Choose your state, select your city, and look up support groups galore!!!  Their stellar search engine can lead you to any  help group you can think of. Just type in the words "Support Group" and (the name of your topic).