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Repairs & Maintenance

When The Landlord Can Or Cannot Charge You For Repairs (CA)
See Page 35-46.

Where To Get Legal Or Government Assistance (CA)

Steps to Having Apartment Repairs Made (Los Angeles)
What the law requires, first steps to defend your rights, repair & deduct, habitability enforcement program, small claims court, and withholding rent.

A Tenant's Legal Remedies When The Landlord Does Not Repair (CA)
See index for repairs.

Uninhabitable Premises/Constructive Eviction

Habitability and Repairs: Definitions

California Tenants - A Guide to Residential Tenant and Landlord Rights and Responsibilities
See page 7 for their index which has every topic you can think of from A-W.

What Should I Know Before I Rent? (CA)
Repairs, repair & deduct/maintenance, types of leases, oral and written rental agreements, the landlord's right to enter, evictions & lockouts, losing a lawsuit and discrimination.

Help Resources In Urban Areas (Consumer-SOS)
How to deal with housing code problems, discrimination, roommates, late rent and lack of money, finding an apartment, transportation, health & safety and more.

Getting Your Landlord To Make Minor Repairs (General)

Cleaning & Repairs A Landlord Can't Charge For (Not State Specific)

Tactics To Get Your Landlord To Make Repairs (Not State Specific)

Find Your City's Municipal Codes
Learn how your city code treats, garbage, nuisance and safety hazards. If you can't find your city, follow their links to other code sites that can help you.

Landlord Tenant Laws In 49 States & DC (Has CA)
If your apartment has been rendered unlivable by your landlord's breach of his obligations, see
Uninhabitable Premises/Constructive Eviction

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Security Deposits

When The Landlord Can Or Cannot Charge You For Repairs (CA)
See pp.35-46 for
lawful and unlawful deductions.

FAQs On Security Deposits (CA)

Where To Get Legal Or Government Assistance (CA)

Other Housing Information In The San Francisco Area (CA)
Rent control, eviction, discrimination, security deposits, unlawful entry and evictions.

Tenant Help Book (CA)
Tenant help book with information on repairs, security deposits, rent issues/rent increases/rent control, evictions, rights under written and oral agreements, ending the tenancy, subleasing, the landlords right of entry, discrimination and retaliation.  Also has help #s and resources.

What The Landlord Can & Cannot Charge You (Chart)
Items damaged by ordinary wear & tear vs. those damaged by the tenant's negligence.

Deadline For Returning Security Deposits (Chart For 50  States & DC)
Also has links to help orgs & law in many of the states. See their homepage for state guides on Landlord-tenant law.

Deadlines For LL To Itemize & Return Deposits  (Chart For 50  States & DC)

State Limits On The Amount You Must Deposit  (Chart For All 50 States & DC)
The limits on how much $ the landlord can demand upfront.

Landlord Tenant Laws In 49 States & DC (Has CA)
May also have state specific brochures and pamphlets.

Security Deposit Statutes (In 48 States, Not in WV or WY)
Links to the actual statutes, state by state. (Lots of legalese)  

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Rent Issues

RentAssistance (In All 50 States & DC)
RentAssistance provides a directory of rental assistance agencies and organizations that will help you pay your rent. Some listings are government organizations other are non-profits and charities that offer rental assistance programs. Each organization has its own eligibility rules and conditions and you are encouraged to call directly to find out what you need to do. does not have funds for providing rental assistance. We can only refer you to listings on the website and urge you to call these offices directly.

Help With Rent In California (Google)
For help in your county or city, add your county or city's name in the Google search box.

How Often Can A Landlord Raise Rent? (CA)
See Page 30-31. Not applicable to mobile homes, cities with rent control or for government financed housing.

California Cities With Rent Control (A List Of Them)

Where To Get Legal Or Government Assistance (CA)

Rent Control In San Francisco  

How Much Can My San Francisco Landlord Increase My Rent? 

Evictions Under San Francisco’s Rent Control Ordinance 
Under the San Francisco Administrative Code, § 37.9(a)), a landlord can only evict a tenant from a rent controlled apartment for one of 14 “just cause” reasons. 

Other Housing Information In The San Francisco Area
Rent control, eviction, discrimination, security deposits, unlawful entry and evictions.

Help Resources In Major Urban Areas (Consumer-SOS)
Where to get help paying your rent. Also has info on housing code problems, discrimination, roommates, finding an apartment, transportation, health & safety and more.

Rent Due Dates, Late Rent, Rent Increases

For Those Without A Written Lease See Verbal Rental Agreements

Where To Go For More Help

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Where To Get Legal Or Government Assistance (CA)

Unlawful Detainer Assistance Project (LA County)
The Unlawful Detainer Assistance Project (UDAP) was created to provide low-cost assistance to tenants and landlords in unlawful detainer (eviction) and related proceedings. 

3-Day Notice (CA)
See pp. 64-67.

30-Day Notice (CA)
See pp. 64-65.

Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Act:
If you're a reserve component service member called to active duty, you're protected by a law that can save you some legal problems and possibly some money as well. Under the provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, you may qualify for any or all of the following: • Reduced interest rate on mortgage payments. • Reduced interest rate on credit card debt. • Protection from eviction if your rent is $1,200 or less. • Delay of all civil court actions, such as bankruptcy, foreclosure or divorce proceedings.

Lockouts (CA)
See Page 67-86. Responding to a landlord's improper attempt to lock you out of the premises.

What Should I Know Before I Rent? (CA)
Repairs, repair & deduct/maintenance, types of leases, oral and written rental agreements, the landlord's right to enter, evictions & lockouts, losing a lawsuit and discrimination.

Your Rights As A Mobile Home Owner (CA)

Evictions Under San Francisco’s Rent Control Ordinance
Under the San Francisco Administrative Code, § 37.9(a)), a landlord can only evict a tenant from a rent controlled apartment for one of 14 “just cause” reasons. 

Your Rights As A Tenant In A Residential Hotel (San Francisco)

New And Old Rules For Landlords & Tenants -- Part 1: Residential Tenancies (CA)
Duty to install security devices, ending the rental agreement, eviction, notice to the landlord or tenant,  attorneys' fees, and how foreclosure on the landlord affects your lease.

Other Housing Information In The San Francisco Area
Rent control, eviction, discrimination, security deposits, unlawful entry and evictions.
Tenant help book with information on repairs, security deposits, rent issues/rent increases/rent control, evictions, rights under written and oral agreements, ending the tenancy, subleasing, the landlords right of entry, discrimination and retaliation.  Also has help #s and resources.

For eviction matters see index on "WHEN YOU'VE DECIDED TO RENT"

For Retaliation see "BEFORE YOU AGREE TO RENT" (In 50 States)
This site has select laws from each state on security deposits, evictions and landlord laws, Their "landlord Laws sections may have stuff on notice to end tenancy and other stuff tenants should know.  

Where To Go For More Help

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