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Home  Georgia  People Search


To find more information, do a word search in the local newspapers and/or check out the homepage of the local library.

By Their Liens (GA UCC Filings)
GA UCC filings will often provide the name and address of the lien debtor or the lien creditor. 

UCC Lien Searches (Many States)
Go to column on the far right and scroll down. 

Liens/UCC Lien Lookups In Various States
Search by the debtor's name for their liens. May also reveal what assets they have. (All 50 states)
Choose a state and will give you links to the most sought after public records.

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Court Records
To find someone via their trail of crimes, lawsuits and traffic tickets, make sure to check out their local county and city web pages. Then look for local courts and the Dept of Public Safety.

Arrest Mugshots & State Criminal & Civil Records (Consumer-SOS)
State records for arrests, crimes, lawsuits and tickets-state and county.

Federal Crimes & Court Records (Consumer-SOS)
Federal prison, bankruptcies, IRS tax debts, etc.

Using AI For Free Instant Background Checks ( or
Find out what the Internet says about you or others using simple questions and the power of AI! Can pull up court records too. Best to put in a name plus other identifiers like occupation or a business or a city or state. Try numerous different searches for different but valid results. Try it out on yourself! For how to use, see this Sleuth For The Truth Blog

Immigrant Detainees (Current and in the Last 60 Days)
The Nationwide ICE Detainee Locator System includes current holds and anyone in custody over the past 60 days. The database is updated within 8 hours of an arrest. For additional information about a detainee and their status, click Here.

Interstate Probationers and Parolees
When parolees and probationers move from one state to another, probation/parole supervision responsibility is transferred too. Their public search portal allows lookups by name, name and DOB or offender number. Results include offender photo, DOB, sending state and receiving state.

Publicly Accused Priests In The United States
Sexual abuse allegations made from 1950 to 2002 against 4,392 priests. List taken from media reports and legal documents – with many photos, assignment records, and source articles.

Federal Crimes & Court Records

Fed Bureau Of Prisons Inmate Locator (Past & Present)
For inmates from 1982 to the present, gives their name, inmate register #, current age, race, sex and date released.

Bad Debt & Bankruptcies (Consumer-SOS)

U.S. Tax Court (1986-Present)
Persons involved in litigation with the IRS may be found here. If a case is found, the actual court file may contain tax returns or other important financial information.

Free. 700 million+ federal, state, and county court cases from throughout the United States. Amazing website BUT it's vital you click on their Search Tips section before searching or you may find nothing!

Advanced search

  • Strict name matching (name + 3 commas)
    • first middle last,,,
    • first m last,,,
    • first last,,,
  • Lenient name matching (name + 2 commas)
    • first middle last,,
    • first m last,,
    • first last,,
  • Trying strict then lenient matching each using a full middle name often produces the most useful results. (try each below)
    • donald john trump,,,
    •  donald john trump,,
  • If extra filtering is needed, additional qualifiers may be specified after the name part.
    • donald j trump,, texas
    • Exact phrase
      • "john smith"
      • "smith john d"
      • "smith john david"
      • "46.2-806" (Virginia code for driving wrong way)
    • Exclude
      • "john smith" -florida -henry
    • Proximity searches
      • "john david smith"~4 - allow those terms to be up to 4 words out of order.
        The above query will match "john david smith" and also "smith, john david"
      • "jennifer tucci"~3 florida  (limits to Florida, Tuccci within 3 of Jennifer)

    Casemine (State & Federal Cases)
    Pulls up civil and criiminal cases both federal and state. Can search by full name in quotes,  or first middle and last name in quotes. Says it can sometimes retrieve legal briefs as well.

    Ways to search for people:

    Graham Firestone (first & last)
    Graham B Firestone (middle initial)
    "Graham Firestone" (quotes)
    "Graham B Firestone" (quotes middle initial)
    "Firestone v Firestone" (could pull up family custody/divorce-use last as not perfect)

    Or use Google to search within site (change name in search box, can put names in quotes)

    Court Listener
    Pulls up federal criminal and civil filings with a main document. Free, no signup, pulls up based on party name can use quotes but would exlude middle name so be careful. For common names, can filter based on jurisdiction, e.g. for GA choose 11th circuit.

    Federal Court Cases Through PACER (Both Civil & Criminal-Federal Only)
    THE BEST OF ALL For Federal Cases. Get free online case and docket information for bankruptcies and other federal cases, including criminal cases. Registration is free and so is your first $30 of usage within each quarter.  You should never be billed for anything if you use less than $30 every three months. Just fill out their on-line registration form and within a week you'll receive your login and password. Note: Some Courts are not on PACER which means you have to search these courts individually. Drawback: If upon sign up, you don't want to give them your credit card info, it will take a week to get your log in password. (It's well worth the wait!)

    Search For Civil and Criminal Records With Google Scholar
    Put in a name, a court case or a case site. Can search for individuals by full name, first and last name, or by first name, middle initial and last name. (Search with and without "") Can narrow search to a specific state.

    Google For Other Lawsuits (State or Federal Cases)
    (use quotes if name is two or more words)

     "Graham Firestone" v (as plaintiff)
    v "Graham Firestone" (as defendant)
    v Pontrelli (defendant, no need for quotes)
    v Pontrelli "New York" (refines the search)

    Googling For Criminal Conduct

    1. John Smith convicted
    2. John Smith arrested
    3. John Smith guilty
    4. John Smith indicted
    5. "John Smith" conviction (Name in quotes)

    6. "John R Smith" charges (Middle initial included)
    7. "John Richard Smith" sentenced (Full name in quotes)
    8. John Smith sentenced Georgia
    9. “John R Smith” sentenced Georgia
    10. Name above with felony or misdemeanor

    Remember to search with the name in quotes and also without quotes.  If your name is a common one, be sure to include a state as well.

    All Federal District Court Docket Info From Jan 2004 To Present (Includes Some Bankruptcies)
    Enter in the person’s last name to see if they have criminal or civil cases against them. Search all district courts at once or choose your state. Information may include the
    Plaintiff, Defendant, Case Number, Date, Court Location, Nature Of Case and more. No state court records. In testing, I saw no records before 2007 in spite of claiming it can retrieve from 2004.

    Works best with just a last name or company. If you get too many hits, you can restrict the search to various types of law such as fraud or bankruptcy or choose by a particular federal court. Once you have the case you can look it up in Google Scholar, regular Google or PACER.

    State Criminal & Civil Records

    Mugshots/Arrests (Consumer-SOS)
    Have they been arrested? Find out for free.

    Georgia Records-Criminal & Civil (Consumer-SOS)
    Both criminal and civil but not federal records. Check for assault, theft, evictions, bad debt, state tax debt and more!

    State By State Inmate Searches (49 States)
    Look up inmates formerly and currently incarcerated. Some states may have just those currently in jail.

    Sex Offender Registries (Most States)
    Punch in a name (first, or last or both) and get their photo, description and address.
    To search the most states click on National Search. For another site click Here

    Free. 700 million+ federal, state, and county court cases from throughout the United States. Amazing website BUT it's vital you click on their Search Tips section before searching or you may find nothing!

    Advanced search

    • Strict name matching (name + 3 commas)
      • first middle last,,,
      • first m last,,,
      • first last,,,
    • Lenient name matching (name + 2 commas)
      • first middle last,,
      • first m last,,
      • first last,,
    • Trying strict then lenient matching each using a full middle name often produces the most useful results. (try each below)
      • donald john trump,,,
      •  donald john trump,,
    • If extra filtering is needed, additional qualifiers may be specified after the name part.
      • donald j trump,, texas
    • Exact phrase
      • "john smith"
      • "smith john d"
      • "smith john david"
      • "46.2-806" (Virginia code for driving wrong way)
    • Exclude
      • "john smith" -florida -henry
    • Proximity searches
      • "john david smith"~4 - allow those terms to be up to 4 words out of order.
        The above query will match "john david smith" and also "smith, john david"
      • "jennifer tucci"~3 florida  (limits to Florida, Tuccci within 3 of Jennifer)

    Casemine (State & Federal Cases, no counties or city courts)
    Pulls up civil and criiminal cases both federal and state. Includes some custody and divorce cases. Once you get your hits, You can filter by state (click on "Court Filter" top left. and search for an extra term (search within results, top right). Can also sort by relevance and recent on right hand side.

    Ways to search for people:

    Graham Firestone (first & last)
    Graham B Firestone (middle initial)
    "Graham Firestone" (quotes)
    "Graham B Firestone" (quotes middle initial)
    "Firestone v Firestone" (could pull up family custody/divorce-use last as not perfect)

    Or use Google to search within site (change name in search box, can put names in quotes)

    Search For Civil and Criminal Records With Google Scholar
    Put in a name, a court case or a case site. Can search for individuals by full name, first and last name, or by first name, middle initial and last name. (Search with and without "") Can narrow search to a specific state.

    Google For Other Lawsuits (State or Federal Cases)
    (use quotes if name is two or more words)

     "Graham Firestone" v (as plaintiff)
    v "Graham Firestone" (as defendant)
    v Pontrelli (defendant, no need for quotes)
    v Pontrelli "New York" (refines the search)

    Googling For Criminal Conduct

    1. John Smith convicted
    2. John Smith arrested
    3. John Smith guilty
    4. John Smith NOLO
    5. "John Smith" conviction (Name in quotes)

    6. "John R Smith" charges (Middle initial included)
    7. "John Richard Smith" sentenced (Full name in quotes)
    8. John Smith sentenced Georgia
    9. “John R Smith” sentenced Georgia
    10. Name above with felony or misdemeanor

    Remember to search with the name in quotes and also without quotes.  If your name is a common one, be sure to include a state as well.

    Criminal Records-Black Book Onlines (Many States)
    Select "All Records" and then choose your state. Has lots of links to criminal databases.
    Select nation wide search in drop down. Claims to search 26 states for released and currently incarcerated state inmates in custody at state correctional facilities, probationers and parolees under correctional supervision, those serving community sentences or temporary and work release assignments, and those discharged from prison. HIT OR MISS. Records far from complete.

    For A County Prison Search, scroll down and select your state.
    or Google search Their entire State & County database. Just click on the link below and in the Google search box, replace the name there with your subject's.
    "john smith" . Search for inmates currently incarcerated in approximately 3,000 county detention facilities across the country, including municipal jails, county jails, lockups, holding facilities, and detention centers.

    State & County Inmate Locators
    Direct links to prison databases from each state's department of corrections. Every state has different records so read carefully what each database contains. Some for example, only track those currently incarcerated or under probation/parole. Others track prior inmates, even released long ago.

    State Prisoner Locators (26 states)
    Find who's in prison in AL, AR., CA, FL, GA,  ID, IA, IL, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MT, NC, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, and VT. 

    Georgia Records-Criminal & Civil

    Georgia Offenders (Past & Present, Not County or City Jails)
    They changed teir site as of 10/23 to show only those currently incarcerated.

    Georgia Convicts On Parole (learn their name, age, race, weight, height, etc)
    An inmate granted a release by the Board must abide by several conditions. Violation of any condition may result in arrest and parole revocation. Parole may be granted by the Parole Board after a person has served part of their sentence.  It is not the same as probation which may be ordered by a court for all or part of a person's sentence.

    Mugshots/Arrests (Consumer-SOS)
    Have they been arrested? Find out for free.

    City of Atlanta Municipal Court (Atlanta, Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton Counties)
    Use a name to get traffic citations. Multiple names will have a year of birth next to them. Displays citatations from over a decade ago but no address info.

    Criminal Offenders in Georgia (Vine offender link)
    As of 6.2.2024 working on being State Wide. Select name  then enter it and click SEARCH.

    Cobb Court Records (Civil & Criminal)
    Can also search to get addresses of notaries and attorneys on the case. Excellent site!!!!

    Gwinnett Court Records (Civil & Criminal)
    Must register for free account.

    Gwinnett County Jail Records
    Includes inmates currently incarcerated and those jailed within the last 31 days in the Gwinnett County Detention Center.  Lookup by inmate's name. Includes booking photos.

    Athens/Clark County Civil & Criminal Court Records

    Augusta/Richmond County Civil & Criminal Record Searches

    By Their License Plate or Tickets (Consumer-SOS)
    Need to warn or report an aggressive or dishonest driver who thinks they're anonymous? Find their name and contact information through their license plate (which may also reveal their month of birth).

    Marital Status

    Verify His Marital Status (Sleuth For The Truth)
    Is the guy you met really single? Has he ever been divorced? Many of the "single" guys on dating sites are secretly married. Here's where to look and how to search! Includes how to Google for current marital and divorce status.

    Look For Female Relatives that Could Be A Spouse (Sleuth For The Truth)
    Is it his sister? His mother? Or you know who? 

    Google Both Their Names Together For Current Marital Status (Sleuth For The Truth)
    See examples of how to Google to uncover wedding announcements, and whether they're still married.

    Googling For Divorces (Sleuth For The Truth)
    Google their divorce status without seeng those pesky attorney ads that tell you nothing!

    Divorce Records (Consumer-SOS)
    Lists people who have been divorced. Many records are missing.

    Marriage Records (Consumer-SOS)
    Lists of people who have been married. Many records are missing.

    Divorce Records

    Many divorces are unlisted. Divorce status can also be determined by other court fillings such as a request for name change or a modification of child support or child custody. Look first at the national databases before trying the states.

    Casemine (State & Federal Cases, no counties or city courts)
    Pulls up civil and criiminal cases both federal and state. Includes some custody and divorce cases. Can search by full name in quotes,  or first middle and last name in quotes.

    Ways to search for people:

    Graham Firestone (first & last)
    Graham B Firestone (middle initial)
    "Graham Firestone" (quotes)
    "Graham B Firestone" (quotes middle initial)
    "Firestone v Firestone" (could pull up family custody/divorce-use last as not perfect)

    Or use Google to search within site (change name in search box, can put names in quotes)

    California Divorce Index, 1966-1984 3,518,815 (

    Florida Divorce Index, 1927-2001 3,012,178 (
    Index of divorces from the Florida Department of Health in Jacksonville.

    Texas Divorce Index from 1966-2013

    Back To Top

    Marriage Records
    Many marriages are unlisted but I've found a few! If the same woman is later found on the deed to his house or elsewhere, you can bet they're still married! Try the national databases first as it's a lot easier than going state to state.

    FamilyTreeNow (National Database)
    Enter a full name and can also enter in a state if you get too many hits. (first try without a state since you don’t know where else they’ve lived or where they may have got married).
    Hit enter, then scroll down on left to FILTER RESULTS. Choose either Marriage Records, Divorce Records or Living People…  (Misses many who are either married or divorced, but worth looking at.)

    State Marriage Records
    Many records are missing even in the states listed. So they still could be married and not found here.

    California Marriage Index: 1960-1985 4,879,251 (
    Index of marriages from the California Department of Health Services in Sacramento. Index provided by Gaps.
    Colorado Statewide Marriage Index, 1853-2006 ( 
    Colorado, County Marriages, 1864-1995 (
    Images of county marriages from Clear Creek, Fremont, Kit Carson, Logan, Moffat, Phillips, Saguache, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma counties.
    Florida Marriage Index, 1822-1875 and 1927-2001 11,718,373 (
    Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992 1,008,157 (
    Indiana Marriages, 1811-2007 3,311,060 (
    Indexed in partnership with the Indiana Genealogical Society. Includes searchable index data for marriage records from all Indiana counties except Howard, Johnson, and Montgomery.
    Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992 (
    Iowa, Church and Civil Marriages, 1837-1989 (
    Maine, Marriage Index, 1892-1966, 1977-1996 857,131 (
    Maine Marriage Records (Some Gaps)
    Minnesota Marriage Certificates (Offical State Website)
    Las Vegas Marriages-Clark County Nevada (1900-the present)
    Found Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra. 
    New York Marriages, 1686-1980 767,083 (
    North Carolina Marriages, 1759-1979 1,207,804 (
    North Carolina, County Marriages, 1762-1979 3,457,243 (
    Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013 4,700,502 (	
    Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995 1,175,750 (

    Texas Marriage Index from 1966-2013 (Historical Record Collection Including Marriage Records)
    Search for recent marriage records such as at the databses above.	
    Back To Top


    Mugshots of Arrests
    Has mugshots I couldn't find elsewhere. Only drawback is you must choose a state. (See age/relative lookups to find all the states they've lived in).
    To use without clicking on misleading ads, see my blog Arrests & Mugshots at Sleuth For The Truth.

    Mugshots Of Arrests-Part 2 (All 50 States & DC)
    Free sign up to see photos of people and what they were arrested for. Best for arrests from 2010 onwards. Search by first name and last name, or even by just a first name or last name only. You may narrow your search with a city or state. But you don't have to. Then, go elsewhere on Consumer-SOS to learn if they were convicted. To use without clicking on misleading ads, see my blog Arrests & Mugshots at Sleuth For The Truth.

    Back To Top

    Scroll down for personal bankruptcy and business bankruptcy records. See also the Sleuth For The Truth Videos on Free Bankruptcy Records & How To See Bankruptcy Petitions.

    Find Personal Bankruptcies
    (Only PACER has complete records, all the rest are incomplete but worth looking into)
    Chapter 7=total liquidation of assets
    Chapter 13=payment plan/reorganization
    Chapter 12=payment plan for farmers & fisherman

    Judy Records (Try the searches below with the name of your subject in quotes)
    "Steven Kaplan"~3 "chapter 7"
    "Steven Kaplan"~3 "chapter 7" florida
    "Steven Kaplan"~3 "chapter 13"

    • Strict name matching (name + 3 commas)
      • first middle last,,,
      • first m last,,,
      • first last,,,
    • Lenient name matching (name + 2 commas)
      • first middle last,,
      • first m last,,
      • first last,,
    • Trying strict then lenient matching each using a full middle name often produces the most useful results. (try each below)
      • donald john trump,,,
      •  donald john trump,,
    • If extra filtering is needed, additional qualifiers may be specified after the name part.
      • donald j trump,, texas

    Court Listener
    Pulls up federal criminal and civil filings with a main document. Free, no signup, pulls up based on party name can use quotes but would exlude middle name so be careful. For common names, can filter based on jurisdiction, e.g. for GA choose 11th circuit.

    Docket Alarm (Change Browsers for more Free Lookups)
    Copy search below but replace with the name of your subject. It gives you a few free lookups and then stops working until you change to a new browser for more free lookups. (e.g. go from Chrome, to Edge, to Firefox)
    Steven w/3 Kaplan w/10 chapter w/2 7

    Chapter 7 Liquidation and Chapter 11, 13 Reorganizations (Google Search of
    Find personal and business bankruptcies. Results include bankruptcy type, place filed, date filed and case number. Mostly good for recent bankruptcies.

    BK Data
    Put in first name and last and tells you whether chapter 7, 11, 13, etc. Lists filings but you must pay to see them. Missing lot of records.

    Justicia (For Bankruptcies Only)
    Enter in a first and last name without using quotes. Too many hits? Then go back to oringal search and also select the state or circuit, if known. Missing lot of records.

    Did They File For Bankruptcy? (All 50 States & DC)
    Simply call each state's PACER automated phone system in each state where that person has lived, and punch in their last name, first name and middle initial. It can work without a middle initial.  However, you may get too many listings. To find their middle intial and the states they've lived in, use the Age & Relatives links.

    A recorded message will tell you if or when they've filed for bankruptcy. It's all free. Records before 2000 may not be available though I was able to obtain a record from Georgia from 1994.

    Here's What You Can Learn If the System Has Record of Their Bankruptcy

    1. Year They Filed For Bankruptcy
    2. Reason for Bankruptcy (ex: a consumer debt)
    3. Type of Bankruptcy (Chapter 7, 11, 13)
    4. Year it was discharged
    5. Judge who heard the case
    6. Voluntary or involuntary (the former may mean the debtor opted for bankruptcy)
    7. Last 4 digits of their Social Security Number
    Slight drawback: You have to know the state and district court where they filed for bankruptcy.
    In some states, you may have to call up to three #s if you don't know the district court it may have occurred in. (For example: In GA, there's a North, South and Central District Bankruptcy court).

    Bankruptcies Through PACER (Both Business and Personal)
    THE ABSOLUTE BEST OF ALL FREE BANKRUPTCY SITES but requires signup. Get free online case and docket information from Federal Bankruptcy courts.  Registration is free and so is your first $30 of usage within each quarter.  You should never be billed for anything whatsoever if you use less than $30 of "Credit" every three months. Just fill out their on-line registration form and within a week you'll receive your login and password.  Drawback: If upon sign up, you don't want to give them your credit card info, it will take a week to get your log in password. (It's well worth the wait!) I signed up for PACER in 2003 and I have never paid a cent for all my research!!!

    Find Business Bankrupcies Below
    Chapter 7=business total liquidation of assets
    Chapter 11=payment plan/reorganization
    Chapter 13=payment plan for sole proprietorships with very low revenue

    Judy Records (Try the searches below with the name of your company in quotes)
    "Waffle House"~3 "chapter 11"  (omit "the", "corp" or "Inc.")
    "Waffle House"~3 "chapter 7"
    "Waffle House"~3 "chapter 7" Georgia

    Bankruptcies Through PACER (Both Business and Personal)
    THE BEST OF ALL BANKRUPTCY SITES but requires signup. Get free online case and docket information from Federal Bankruptcy courts.  Registration is free and so is your first $30 of usage within each quarter.  You should never be billed for anything whatsoever if you use less than $30 of "Credit" every three months. Just fill out their on-line registration form and within a week you'll receive your login and password.  Drawback: If upon sign up, you don't want to give them your credit card info, it will take a week to get your log in password. (It's well worth the wait!) I signed up for PACER in 2003 and I have never paid a cent for all my research!!!

    Chapter 7 Liquidation and Chapter 11, 13 Reorganizations (
    Find personal and business bankruptcies. Results include bankruptcy type, place filed, date filed and case number. Mostly good for recent bankruptcies.

    Large Company Bankruptcies ($100 million plus in assets)
    The UCLA Bankruptcy Research Database has all large, public company bankruptcy cases filed in the United States Bankruptcy Courts from October 1, 1979 onwards.

    Google Site Search of
    Change company on left from Dunkin Donuts to the company you're looking for, and leave all else the same.
    Google will search this site to find Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 business bankruptcies. They boast they're the most complete "curated" database of national bankruptcies. (whatever that means!)

    Free One Stop Case Search For Civil And Criminal Court Records

    All Federal District Court Docket Info From Jan 2004 To Present (Includes Some Bankruptcies)
    Enter in the person’s last name to see if they have criminal or civil cases against them. Search all district courts at once or choose your state. Information may include the
    Plaintiff, Defendant, Case Number, Date, Court Location, Nature Of Case and more. No state court records. In testing, I saw no records before 2007 in spite of claiming it can retrieve from 2004.

    Works best with just a last name or company. If you get too many hits, you can restrict the search to various types of law such as fraud or bankruptcy or choose by a particular federal court. Once you have the case you can look it up in Google Scholar, regular Google or PACER.

    Search Full Text of U.S. Supreme and Circuit Appeals Courts (Excludes State & District Courts)
    To find a Plaintiff or Defendant, put their first and last name in the "Exact Phrase" box. No Hits? Then try again in the "All of the words" box. Click
    Here for years and cases covered. (All 50 states)
    Choose a state and will give you links to the most sought after public records.

    Finding Court Records Step By Step (Consumer-SOS)

    State Police & Public Safety (Most States & DC)
    Find arrest records or links to such. For Missing states, click Here.

    City, County & State Governments Online (All 50 States)
    Get local court records, liens and property records by going to the homepage of the city, county or state. For more on Counties, click Here. For more on Cities, click Here.


    Back To Top

    Local Newspapers

    Using Google To Search Each Newspaper Website

    Google allows you to search within a specific website by entering the search terms you're looking for, followed by the word "site" and a colon followed by the domain name. (results are often better than the newspaper's own search box).

    For example, here's how to find information on the President of Binghamton University through the college newspaper:

     "lois defleur"

    Likewise, here's how you'd find admission information on the Stanford University site:


    Other Newspaper Websites

    US Newspapers Throughout All 50 States & DC

    Links To Newspapers Worldwide
    Search for people in their archives or regular search engines.

    Georgia City And County websites
    Find links to GA local newspapers.

    City, County & State Governments Online (All 50 States)
    Small town papers can be found at the city or county level. For more on Counties, click Here. For more on Cities, click Here.

    County Lookup By City (National)
    Plug in the city and state to get the county. Then do a records search in that county.

    Back To Top

    Death Records

    Recent Deaths and Beyond (Melissa)
    Up to date deaths. Tested with a recently deceased friend along with famous people who died in the last month. Returns their DOB, date of death, along with their full name and middle initial. Sometimes includes the city where they lived.

    Directory Of Dead People Up Through 2014 (National)
    Only lists people who died before 2015 . If your subject is alive, you won't find him here. Enter the name of the person you're searching for to discover when they died, how old they were, and where they last lived. The site will even give you with their Social Security Number. For alternate sites click Here. (Google Search within Site)
    See photos and obituaries. Replace name in Google search box with your subject's.
    Add city or middle name for common names. Examples:
    "Will Hooper" Atlanta (add a city to narrow down leads)
    "Will * Hooper" Atlanta (* is used when don't know middle initial)
    "Will Flavious Hooper" (with middle name)

    Back To Top

    Bad Debt

    Bankruptcies (Consumer-SOS)
    Yes! Real free bankruptcy records.

    U.S. Tax Court (1986-Present)
    Persons involved in litigation with the IRS may be found here. If a case is found, the actual court file may contain tax returns or other important financial information.

    Deadbeat Debtors Who Owe Taxes In Other States (Google)
    In the search box, replace New York with the state you want.

    Free One Stop Case Search For Civil And Criminal Court Records Which May Include Bad Debt

    All Federal District Court Docket Info From Jan 2004 To Present (Includes Some Bankruptcies)
    Enter in the person’s last name to see if they have criminal or civil cases against them. Search all district courts at once or choose your state. Information may include the
    Plaintiff, Defendant, Case Number, Date, Court Location, Nature Of Case and more. No state court records. In testing I saw no records before 2007 in spite of claiming it can retrieve from 2004.

    Works best with just a last name or company. If you get too many hits, you can restrict the search to various types of law such as fraud or bankruptcy or choose by a particular federal court. Once you have the case you can look it up in Google Scholar, regular Google or PACER.

    Search Full Text of U.S. Supreme and Circuit Appeals Courts (Excludes State & District Courts)
    To find a Plaintiff or Defendant, put their first and last name in the "Exact Phrase" box. No Hits? Then try again in the "All of the words" box. Click
    Here for years and cases covered.

    Back To Top

    Campaign Contributions

    Federal Campaign Contributors (National)
    Get name, address and amount contributed from individual or soft money contributors for federal election years. Search by name or name and state or name, state and occupation.

    State Campaign Contributors (All 50 States)
    Get the contributor's full name, state, city and Zip Code, their profession, where they gave to and how much they gave. Just click on your state and look for the magnifying glass on the left hand side.  Then in the search box enter the subject's last or full name.  Enter each word in the contributor name separated by spaces. e.g. William Jones or
    Amalgamated Manufacturing Corporation.

    Back To Top

    PO Box Lookup-Finding A Business Or Person Through Their Post Office Box

    FOR BUSINESSES: Good for revealing the business behind the blind job ad, for backgrounding fraudulent businesses, or for any business that�s hard to investigate. Find the name of the business, whether they do business under assumed names, and who else they�re connected with.  Also good for finding the physical location of the PO box and at times, the name of the PO Box Owner.

    See Also Is The Address A Concealed PO Box or Mail Drop?

    FOR INDIVIDUALS: Good for finding the physical location of the PO box and at times, the name of the PO Box Owner. May also lead to websites or chat rooms frequented by the individual or those they're connected with.

    Strategy: On Google, enter the PO Box #, state and Zip Code to learn the name of the PO Box Owner or Business.  Several names may turn up which could either identify your subject or reveal who they're associated with.  Then background all your relevant leads.


    Suppose you receive junk mail from a new business called The Matrix. Their flyer says they do home repair and that they're located at Post Office Box 12345� NY, NY 10022.

    But when you Google "Matrix and "home repair" you find no one's ever heard of them. And your search with the Better Business Bureau and Secretary of State gets you nothing.


    Google the PO Box # State and Zip Code exactly as shown below. 

    "PO Box 12345" NY 10022 (Always put the PO Box # in quotes and abbreviate the state)

    Next, eliminate all irrelevant hits. Hits which don't have the correct PO box and Zip Code all in the same paragraph, should be ignored.

    Note: You may still get multiple returns.
    This could mean the company or individual is using a different name or, that the data has been posted in different places. It could also be that your search has turned up the prior owner of the PO Box. The important thing is to find a business, person, physical address or phone number, i.e. anything you can further investigate.

    See Also US Postal Form To Obtain Physical Address of PO or Drop Box (For Service of Legal Process)

    Back To Top

    Is The Address A Concealed PO Box or Mail Drop?
    An address may list the word "Suite" or "Apartment" to disguise that it's really a concealed mail drop. Below is a partial list of mail drops and other non-physical addresses. Stop looking if your address appears there. But don�t assume the address is real because it wasn't found in the first place you looked. No listing is by any means complete. So it pays to search all of them.

    Step 1 (Search For Address in The Listings Below)

    In Google Maps enter the word "mail" and the Zip Code of the address you're looking for.
    Example: Mail 30319

    At left a partial directory of drop boxes will appear. If you see your address, stop searching for it's not a physical address at all. Note: You�ll get pages and pages of addresses, but do not search past the Zip Code you�re looking for. (Usually the first page or two). To see the Zip Code of an address, simply click on the blue link. The Zip Code will appear on the Map.

    Find the Locations of over 40,000 Drop Boxes (UPS, Staples, Office Depot, etc.)
    Ignore all other fields and enter in only the Zip Code of the address you want to verify. A huge list will appear, but you can stop looking if you�ve searched all locations within your Zip Code.
    Ignore all other fields and enter in only the Zip Code of the address you want to verify. Stop looking if you've searched all locations within your Zip Code.

    Directory of US Post Offices
    Under options, select, "Post Office Locations", ignore all other fields and search by Zip Code only. If you don't find the address, go back to options, select "Automated Postal Centers and search again.

    UPS Store Locator
    Enter in the Zip Code. If you find the address, it's not a real physical address.

    Step 2

    If You Can't Find The Address, Google the Main Part in Quotes.

    Often this will reveal the address to be a UPS, Staples or Mailboxes Etcetera location.
    For example, the address below is a concealed drop box that was missing from many of the drop box directories.

    3522 Ashford Dunwoody Rd., Ste. 141
    Atlanta, GA 30319

    With the main part in quotes, do a Google search with
    "3522 Ashford Dunwoody" (omit rd dr, city, or state, etc.)

    Note the 8th entry down shows this is just a UPS location.

    Step 3:

    Still Unsure? Then Ask The Post Office What Type Of Address This Is.
    If you have an address and are not sure what it is, or if it's even a real address, then go to The US Post Office Website and look up the address and phone # for the post office that delivers to the address. Then call that post office and ask them if they know what's located at that address. Simply ask if it is a residential address, or if it's an office building of some sort. Also ask if they know if the address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) like a Mailboxes Etc. or UPS Store. The post office is not required to answer these types of questions, but they can if they want to. 90% of the time they'll tell you what you need to know.

    Back To Top

    Find Or Background People By Their Phone # Photo, Email or Address

    Find Phone Numbers (Cell Phones Too) Find Addresses (Physical & Mail Drops )
    Find Email Addresses Reverse Lookups (Background What You Find For More)
    Find Photos (Mugshots Too) Names (Search By First, Last or Partial)

    Find Their Phone #s

    Find Their Cell Phone #s (Cyber Background Checks-USA Only)
    Search by name for cell #s and look for "wireless." To verfiy if a wireless number is still active, plug it into the Cell Phone Reverse lookups. Use to hear their voicemail without it being traced back to you!

    Find Their Phone Number (Sleuth For The Truth Blogs)
    Find cell phone numbers and landlines for free. Includes finding such in social media and corporate and domain name registrations.

    Some Cell #s & Some Emails (TruePeopleSearch-USA Only)
    Look for "WIRELESS" next to the phone number. Also lists addresses but don't trust the "Current" address to be where they now live. May list their corporate filings, old and current. See as a backup site.

    Some Cell Phone Owners (
    Look for "WIRELESS" next to the phone number and click Show More" if needed. Not so good at finding cell #s and don't trust the relatives or expect to get their current address.

    Find Their Phone #s (Advanced Background Checks-USA Only)
    Search by name for landlines. To verfiy if a number is still active, plug it into or to see what name turns up. At Spydialer you can also hear their voicemail without it being traced back to you!

    Addresses, Email, Phone #s/Relatives-Age Lookups (Consumer-SOS)
    Don't know if you have the right John Smith??
    Use the free age lookups to match their name with their age and relatives. Then copy down their contact info!! Much more comprehensive than the Internet phone books.

    Business Or Profession Or Certification (Consumer-SOS)
    Find their phone # through the company they own, or through their licensing board.
    Works for lawyers, doctors, insurance salesmen and anyone else who has their own company or
    who needs a license to practice their profession.

    Use Person's Name, Email Or Company To Get Their Website Which Will List Their Phone #
    Once you have their domain name or website, see what you can find on the website. Don't forget to put the domain name through a Whosis lookup for their address, email or phone number. Click Here for another site that uses reverse lookups to get websites. For Best Results: Search by all 4 if you have this info. An email address may turn up sites not listed under their business, and vice versa. For common names, search by email or something tied to owner.

    Reverse Lookups-Find The Name, Email, Street Address, Photo Or Phone # When You Have Only Limited Information (Consumer-SOS)
    Strange # on your phone bill? Unknown email address? Find out who it belongs to.

    Is it A Landline or Cell Phone #?
    Enter in the area code and phone number to see if the prefix is "Cellular". For landlines it will simply list the first three digits without the word "Cellular". Click Here or Here for a backup site  (For cell #s it will say "cellular" by the word "prefix".

    Googling People By Their Address, Phone # or Email (Consumer-SOS)
    Is it an old phone number or the current one? See who currently owns it.

    Find Their Email Adresss

    Find Company Emails (Consumer-SOS)
    Get the emails of top decision makers with just their name, or their cell phone number or just by entering in their company website.

    Find Personal Emails (Consumer-SOS)
    Get the email of your old roommate, classmate or girlfriend.

    Verfiy The Email Address Is Still Good (Consumer-SOS)
    Sometimes the email is defunct. These links can help you know.

    Company Emails

    Get Names & Positions of Key Players (Google Search Within
    Don't know who to contact? Click on the link above and change to the company and location you're searching for. It will list key people by name and position.Then find a few sample emails from the company (via the links below) so you can guess the email format and send them your message! Tip! Be sure to check Google or LinkedIn to confirm your target person is still with the company.

    Googling Their Name For Their Company Email (Google String Search)
    Click on link above and replace with the full name and first name of the person you're looking for. Leave all else the same. Example:replace the names below in red with your own.  "graham firestone" "graham * * com"
    Free sign up allows you to search for people's business email address based on their name or where they work. Got me two out of two business emails, but gave me useless inaccurate phone numbers. Not sure how many free lookups are given.
    Type in their last and first name and the company URL where they work, e.g. to get their business email address. May be guessing format or actually scraping from hidden sources. It also may provide links within the company website that mention their name or email address; but you must do their free sign up first (which I did.)

    Outsmarting Rocketreach To Get Business Emails (And Some Personal Emails) All For Free
    Use their free signup to get started. Then Google for emails within the RocketReach website like this: Graham Firestone solvay (replace with your person's name and company or just their name if it's a rare one.) If you can't find their email, copy the format of the other emails you find. For example:

    Find The Format of Company Emails: Get 25 Free Searches per month.(
    Good for finding sample emails of other people at the company so you can guess the email address of the person you're looking for. Not so good at finding your subject: The free sign up displays just 1 page of 10 emails. Note: To search for a person after you get a list of emails, try entering their name in their "find a Person" field. But it doesn't work well.

    Extract Emails From A Webpage
    Find an email address embedded in a web page even if you can't see it!
    Try entering in the URLS of several pages on the website in addition to their home page and contact page. Good for when a website conceals email addresses or only has a form page for complaints.

    Get All Web Pages on a Website So You Can Scrape Emails & Phone Numbers (
    Type in a website such as to get all the links to the various webpages it has. Choose URLs which will list these as clickcable links (including someo hidden ones that could show people, projects or data). To get emails and phone numbers inbedded in the site paste all links into a free bulk email checker to extract. For example, sign up for the free webscraper at which gives you 900 credits upon sign up. Then paste in your list of URLs to see what they can extract. You'll need to pay if you have a larger site but 900 credits may give you at least a dozen or two of pages.

    Find Email Addresses of Companies and People (Skymem)
    Type in the URL/website of the company or if unknown, type in the company name. It will pull out email addresses and give you the format in case the person you want to reach is unlisted.

    Find Emails in a Business or Personal Website (Through Google)
    Click on the Google link above above
    Replace text in red below with the desired website (two replacements).
    Example intext:"

    Business Or Profession Or Certification (Consumer-SOS)
    Find their emails & other contact information through the company they own, or through their licensing board. Works for lawyers, doctors, insurance salesmen and anyone else who has their own company or who must be licensed to practice their profession.

    Use Person's Name, Or Company To Get Their Website Which Will List Their Address, Email Or Phone #
    Once you have their domain name or website, see what you can find on the website. Don't forget to put the domain name through a Whosis lookup for their address, email or phone number. Click Here for another site that uses reverse lookups to get websites. For Best Results: Search by all 4 if you have this info. An email address may turn up sites not listed under their business, and vice versa. For common names, search by email or something tied to owner.

    Get Their Email Address (Sleuth For The Truth Blogs)
    How to find email addresses through LinkedIn, their company, professional licenses, their websites, trademarks and more.

    Back To Find Email Addresses

    Personal Emails

    Find Their Email Addresses (Cyber Background Checks-USA Only)
    Search by name for email addresses. Will often have a few, where only one is active. To verfiy it's the right email address, plug it into the Email Address Reverse Lookups. Use to hear their voicemail without it being traced back to you!

    That's Them (Name Search-USA Only)
    Bad for their current address but pulls up lots of emails with one or two being accurate. May include a business email too. (Had two of mine.)

    Some Cell #s & Some Emails (TruePeopleSearch-USA Only)
    Also lists addresses but don't trust the "Current" address to be where they now live. May list their corporate filings, old and current. 

    Outsmarting Rocketreach To Get Business Emails (And Some Personal Emails) All For Free
    Use their free signup to get started. Then Google for emails within the RocketReach website like this: Graham Firestone solvay (replace with your person's name and company or just their name if it's a rare one.) If you can't find their email, copy the format of the other emails you find. For example:

    Extract Emails From A Webpage
    Find an email address embedded in a particular web page even if you can't see it! Try entering in the URLS of several pages on the website starting with their home page and contact page. Good for when a website conceals email addresses or only has a form page for complaints.

    Get All Web Pages on a Website So You Can Scrape Emails & Phone Numbers (
    Type in a website such as to get all the links to the various webpages it has. Choose URLs which will list these as clickcable links (including someo hidden ones that could show people, projects or data). To get emails and phone numbers inbedded in the site paste all links into a free bulk email checker to extract. For example, sign up for the free webscraper at which gives you 900 credits upon sign up. Then paste in your list of URLs to see what they can extract. You'll need to pay if you have a larger site but 900 credits may give you at least a dozen or two of pages.

    Melissa Data People Search
    May pull up a personal or business email through a name lookup. Or use their home addess to possibly get their email address.

    Use Person's Name, Or Company To Get Their Website Which Will List Their Address, Email Or Phone #
    Once you have their domain name or website, see what you can find on the website. Don't forget to put the domain name through a Whosis lookup for their address, email or phone number. Click Here for another site that uses reverse lookups to get websites. For Best Results: Search by all 4 if you have this info. An email address may turn up sites not listed under their business, and vice versa. For common names, search by email or something tied to owner.

    Addresses, Email, Phone #s/Relatives-Age Lookups (Consumer-SOS)
    Don't know if you have the right John Smith??
    Use the free age lookups to match their name with their age and relatives. Then copy down their contact info!! Much more comprehensive than the Internet phone books.

    Reverse Lookups-Find The Name, Email, Street Address, Photo Or Phone # When You Have Only Limited Information (Consumer-SOS)
    Unknown email address? Want to background who it belongs to.

    Googling People By Their Address, Phone # or Email (Consumer-SOS)
    Is it an old email address or their current one? Google might tell you.

    Get Their Email Address (Sleuth For The Truth Blogs)
    How to find email addresses through LinkedIn, their company, professional licenses, their websites, trademarks and more.

    Back To Find Email Addresses

    Verfiy Their Email Is Still Good

    Email Validators
    Is it a working email or a one way trip to the Bermuda Triangle? See Backup Link as well.

    Back To Find Email Addresses

    Find Their Physical Addresses

    Addresses, Phone #s/Relatives-Age Lookups, Emails (Consumer-SOS)
    Don't know if you have the right John Smith?
    Use the free age lookups to match their name with their age and relatives. Then copy down their contact info! Addresses are a nice place to start but not always current.

    Check Property Records For Current Address (Real, Personal, Intellectual) 
    If they own a house you'll know exactly where to find them.

    International Addresses Through Their Companies, Court Documents (Best for Non USA)
    This vast archive of current and historic databases, documents, leaks and investigations helps journalists across the world to see connections, find stolen funds, spot political influence, and unveil corruption. After initial search, you can do a sub search within the retrieved documents.
    (Also can use advance search to the right of the search box.)

    Business Or Profession Or Certification (Consumer-SOS)
    Find their contact information through the company they own, or through their licensing board.
    Works for lawyers, doctors, insurance salesmen and anyone else who has their own company or
    who must be licensed to practice their profession.

    Find Your Old Address Or Former Housemates At that Address (Consumer-SOS)
    Need your former addreses for an employer background check? Or to find the sorority sister or old housemate who you used to live with but who has now moved, married and changed names? 

    Bankruptcies/Bad Debt
    Find their address through recent bankruptciy filings.

    Arrests, Mugshots, Criminal, Civil Records
    Find their address through recent arrest mugshots.

    Voting Records In All 50 states & DC
    Confirm their address from voting registration records. Records may show party affiliation, and an address. You will need DOB and county. (See Age/Relative/DOB lookups).

    Find Their Current Address
    (Sleuth For The Truth Blog)
    Find current addresses through real property, professional licenses, bankruptcies, voting records, arrest records and more.

    Use Person's Name, Email Or Company To Get Their Website Which Will List Their Address, Email Or Phone #
    Once you have their domain name or website, see what you can find on the website. Don't forget to put the domain name through a Whosis lookup for their address, email or phone number. Click Here for another site that uses reverse lookups to get websites.

    For Best Results: Search by all 4 if you have this info. An email address may turn up sites not listed under their business, and vice versa. For common names, search by email or something tied to owner.

    Googling People By Their Address, Phone # or Email (Consumer-SOS)
    Is it an old address or their current one? Google might tell you.

    Reverse Lookups-Find The Name, Email, Street Address, Photo Or Phone # When You Have Only Limited Information (Consumer-SOS)
    Wanna see what the address looks like or who it belongs to? Learn if it's a home, business or mail drop.

    See also Finding Their Neighbors

    Find Their New Mailing Address  (Consumer-SOS)
    Get the Post Office to send you their forwarding address. (Tried twice without success: Post Office won't follow its own rules)

    PO Box Lookup-Finding If The Address Is Really A Concealed PO Box Or Finding A Business Or Person Through Their Post Office Box (Consumer-SOS)

    See Find & Background People By Their Public Records

    Find Their Photos
    Plug in their email, cell phone # or username to get their photo and the name on the account. Is the photo of some one else? Is it them using another name?
    Once you have a photo, see REVERSE SEARCHES/Photos to pull up even more info!

    Perplexity AI
    Search for people with first and last name and location or first and last name and profession or first and last name with profession or company or city or state. Example: Graham Firestone Attorney. You may get different but valuable results if you do minor changes in your search. Example: Graham Firestone Roswell or Graham Firestone Attorney Georgia. Often will return photos. Click on the photo for the source. Check if the source is the same name as the AI makes mistakes.

    IDCrawl by Name
    Use their full name (no quotes) and narrow by state to get a photo, resume, social media, school, the websites they own and maybe even their usernames. Works best with rare names or you'll get too many hits. Got me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

    IDCRAWL by Username
    To get their photo & social media profiles, plug in their old username or for unique emails, the first part before the @ sign.

    Get Photo From Their Gmail Account (Japanese site but with English Results!)
    Paste the first part of their gmail address into the white search box and press enter. Wait a few seconds, then copy and paste the link for the Profile Picture into a new Google search. Often it will show a photo of the account owner. Site may also provide a link to their profile page which shows if they've written any Google reviews and could also provide the location of such.

    Get Their Photo & Name with Just a Cell # or Email Address (Worldwide)
    With just their cell phone #, email or username tap into a Skype worldwide database of 1.7 billion users to see their names and photos! Does the photo match? Did you get a different name? Getting no matches is one thing. But something is wrong if their contact info leads to an entirely different person! Could be they have many identities.

    Arrests, Mugshots, Criminal & Civil Records (Consumer-SOS)
    Often you can get a photo from their mugshot or state criminal records. A huge number of people have criminal records, even if they never were convicted of a crime.

    Facebook keeps changing their searches. But it's always worth plugging in an email or a cell phone #...just in case.

    PeekYou (Good for Rare Names, or When You Can Weed Out Dupes)
    Compiles social information, sometimes with a photo, as well as age and relatives.

    Search by first and last name for photos or profession..

    Google Image Search
    Best for rare names but hard to verify if accurate unless the photo has a title or other metadata. May pull up associated websites. Can add extra words to narrow your search, e.g. (Graham Firestone Attorney) (Google Search within Site)
    See photos and obituaries. Replace name in Google search box with your subject's.
    Add city or middle name for common names. Examples:
    "Will Hooper" Atlanta (add a city to narrow down leads)
    "Will * Hooper" Atlanta (* is used when don't know middle initial)
    "Will Flavious Hooper" (with middle name)

    Does Their Email Address Pull Up A Photo?  (Epieos: Worldwide)
    A shadow of its former self maybe now a waste of time! Put in any email address, even from Hotmail or Yahoo to get a name or photo from their Gmail account. Does it match the person you were looking for? To see where they live (or lived when the account was set up) copy the maps link into the address box up top. Sometimes it pulls up an additional photo along with their real name, if you click on Bing or Google or Yandex link that it provides below.

    How To Find Someone's New Mailing Address

    So the person moved and you want their new address. Not a problem as long as they moved less than 18 months ago and left the Post Office a forwarding address.

    Simply send a stamped envelope to the person's last known address and include your return address on the top left corner of the envelope like in a normal letter. Then just below your return address be sure to include these magic words "Return Service Requested" These buzz words are called an endorsement. When the Post Office receives the letter with the endorsement, they'll send it back to you along with the person's new forwarding address.

    Back To Top

    Find Their Neighbors (See also Property Lookups & Get Their Cell Phone #s.
    Useful in investigations. Contact your own neighbors to form a neighborhood watch, schedule a party or so they turn down the noise!

    Homemetry Neighbor Lookup (Neighbors in Homes, Some apartments)
    Enter in your own address to see the names of your neighbors. Whether you're complaining about the noise, or forming a neighborhood watch, now you can get in touch with them. To confirm the names of homeowners see Property Lookups and how to Get Their Cell Phone #s.

    411 Neighbor Lookup
    Type in your address and it will list neighbors along with number of bedrooms age and sometimes phone numbers.
    Put this one last.

    Google Searches For Neighbors (Replace with Your Street and City)

    "forrest walk" roswell Graham Firestone
    "forrest walk" roswell lauren (don't know address or last name)

    wyncourtney drive atlanta ben (don't know address or last name)
    345 east 56 street "kachurin" (Manhattan apartment building)

    See Reverse Searches (Consumer-SOS)

    See also Backgrounding By Their Phone #, Email or Address (Consumer-SOS)

    Back To Top

    Googling People By Their Address, Phone # or Email
    KNOWING THEIR NAME IS NOT THE SAME AS KNOWING WHO THEY ARE. To find out more about their background or who they associate with, enter their number, email, or address in Google and the other search engines. Through Google you may learn if your subject is a famous politician, a convicted murderer or belongs to your local fitness club.

    Googling An Address (Consumer-SOS)

    Googling A Phone Number (Consumer-SOS)

    Googling An Email Address (Consumer-SOS)

    PO Box Lookup-Find If The Address is a PO Box In Disguise, OR Find A Business Or Person Through Their Post Office Box (Consumer-SOS)

    See also Finding Their Neighbors

    Back to Find & Background People By Their Public Records

    Googling An Address
    You can never predict if the search engines will pick up all or just a portion of the address . Therefore, start with as little as possible. Add more terms only if you get too many irrelevant hits. For example: If your neighbor's address is 2422 Morosgo Ct NE, Atlanta, GA 30324

    First Enter

    2422 Morosgo
    If you get too many hits or irrelevant returns, try

    "2422 Morosgo"   (put the phrase in quotes to narrow your search)
    Also try
    "2422 Morosgo Ct"
    "2422 Morosgo Court"
    "2422 Morosgo Ct"  Atlanta

    and finally

    "2422 Morosgo" NE  Atlanta

    In addition, you can then background any business, organization or individual associated with this address.

    See Googling A Phone Number (Consumer-SOS)

    See Googling An Email Address (Consumer-SOS)

    See Also

    PO Box Lookup-Finding A Business Or Person Through Their Post Office Box

    Back to Find & Background People By Their Public Records

    Googling A Phone Number

    Try various combinations. Note that each variation can yield different results.

    See examples below:

    1. 404-816-6163        (Dashes)
    2. (404) 816-6163     (Parentheses)
    3. 4048166163           (number)
    4. 404.816.6163         (points instead of dashes)

    See Googling An Address (Consumer-SOS)

    See Googling An Email Address (Consumer-SOS)

    Back to Find & Background People By Their Public Records

    Googling An Email Address
    To Find Out Where They Work
    To Find Them By Their Other Email Addresses

    Back To Sleuthing For People On Line

    Find & Background People By Their Public Records

    To Find Out Where They Work

    At first put in their full email address.
    If you get no hits, try a partial address.

    If it appears to be a business email address, (not Yahoo or Hotmail or Bellsouth, etc.),
    Google just the last part of the address to get where they work.

    For example: if the address is  ""
    Googling ""  gets you information on both " the company, as well as the employees who work there.

    see for example,


    Nothing turns up when you Google ""

    But search for "" (make to to use "")

    and you'll see he works at a community health center in Allegheny, PA. From there you may be able to find him in the company directory or background him through city, state and county records.

    Back To Sleuthing For People On Line

    Back To Find & Background People By Their Public Records

    To Find Them By Their Other Email Addresses

    Suppose you're looking for an old school friend, but the most recent hits are from 2001. Or maybe, you get only recent information and want to know their past.
    For more leads, just Google the first part of their email address.

    For example:

    This works because as creatures of habit,  people will often use the same combination of numbers or letter regardless of whether they're @ Yahoo, Bellsouth or Hotmail.
    While tracking an old acquaintance from the Lenox School,
    I came across her email  (not her real email address)
    Googling it got limited results.
    However, googling just  the prefix
    "zbdubin" got me  
    These links gave me valuable clues as to where she works, where she went to camp and who she's married to.

    See Googling An Address (Consumer-SOS)

    See Googling A Phone Number (Consumer-SOS)

    Back to Find & Background People By Their Public Records

    Back To Sleuthing For People On Line

    Find Or Background Old Classmates-Step By StepFinding old friends Finding old classmates Alumni search classmate
    background backgrounding almuni lookup

    Use the online phone books if you know their name and location and just want to call them. Otherwise, you'll need to learn more by backgrounding them. Backgrounding helps eliminate false leads, such as when their name is very common, or you get hits in many states. It's also good for finding married or divorced women who may now have a different surname.

    1.   Find them on Facebook Myspace, Twitter, etc. Female classmates can often be found by both their maiden and married names. Select 2-3 people you remember and look them up on Facebook. Still not sure if the fat balding guy is the same guy you used to have lunch with? To confirm you have the right person, see if he lists any classmates that both of you know.

    Facebook allows you to "View Friends" to see all of their Facebook friends, If this is your former classmate, you're bound to know some of them. or at least find that many of his friends are from the same city and state where you both met each other. Otherwise it just may be the wrong guy. The great thing is they never need to know you were scoping them out. Unless, of course, you decide to add them as one of your friends. Even without doing so, you'll still be able to view their photo and see the city and state they now live in. At that point you can use non-Facebook sources to either contact them or further background them.

    To find more classmates you both know in common, see
    Finding their Friends, Associates & Relationships.
    The Alumni Section or alumni association of your school's Home Page may have the classmate's address, email address or phone number. If your subject is a woman who has divorced or married, it may even list her new surname.

    1B. Can't find your alumni section?  Look around for their site's search engine (many schools have them) and type in the word Alumni Then search for their alumni directories or associations. If you cannot find your school's homepage, go directly to Google and type the school's name in quotes, i.e. "Tulane University".

    Next, do a Google Search for your subject's last name within the website itself. (Google can sometimes find things within a site faster than the site's own search engine!). Search Here to Google the websites of major universities. Or, just enter the last name in the Find Results box and then enter your school's website address lower down to the right of the "domain" box. (leave out the "http" or "www") This may tell you if they've been married, where they live, or give you other news such as their profession, births, deaths, etc.

    See also Finding Women

    2.    Age lookup sites are far more comprehensive than Internet phone books. (Omit state and search with and without middle initial). These will often list the subjects age along with the cities and states where they once lived or currently reside. Sometimes they'll include a middle name or even who they live with! Note that with US Search you just click on your target name for the cities and states where the person lived or now resided in. If none of them are familiar, you probably have the wrong person and should click on your next lead. Try several age look up sites. ZabaSearch might even return a current address or phone number.

        See Also Find People By Their Photos

    3.    Google your subject's name, address, phone number, etc.
    Plug it all into Google and see what else you can find.

    4. is by far the most extensive Alumni Finder. Sign up for their free service to search for alumni. In Classmates, find out many of the schools they attended by entering in the person's first and last name. Note: these schools are only those your subject has reported voluntarily. So there may be errors or omissions.

    Note you can learn if a woman is now married or divorced, for when you click on her name, a different or hyphenated name will appear up top. Repeat prior steps if her name has changed.

    Once you obtain schools your subject has attended, Google the person's name and school to find even more leads.

    Examples: "Graham Firestone" Stuyvesant
    and "Graham firestone" "Arizona State"  (compound words should be in quotes to keep them together)

    For more Help See also Finding Women and  

    5.    Internet Phone Books work best when you know their last name and the city and state they live in.

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    See Finding People On The Internet-Step By Step

    See ZabaSearch if you still can't find the number.