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Home  Georgia Government & Gov Assistance

Government & Gov Assistance
Government, Politics & Census Data
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Government & Politics

Who Represents Me Tracking Pending Legislation
Voter Information (FAQs, Forms) Census Data (Worldwide)
Ethics & Campaign Restrictions

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Who Represents Me
US Lawmakers
State & Local Lawmakers

The Electoral College

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US Lawmakers
Learn who your federal, state and local representatives are and how to contact them.  Enter your ZIP code to find out who wields the power and how your congressional members are voting on key issues.
Search by key word to access over 60 federal databases on presidential records, congressional photos, public laws, congressional hearings, etc.

Federal, State & Local Governments Throughout The US
Includes: Departments, Executive Branch , GPO, Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Military, Municipal Government, Research Institutes & Services, State Government, Statistics, and the White House.

The President's Cabinet

White House Offices and Agencies

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Senate

Library of Congress

Contacting Your Representative In Congress (Email & Websites)

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State & Local Lawmakers

*GA Government & The People In Power

*Atlanta City and County Government

Learn who your federal, state and local representatives are and how to contact them.  Enter your ZIP code to find out who wields the power and how your congressional members are voting on key issues.

Very Detailed Info About The People Who Pass Laws In Your State
(All 50 States) 

State & Local Government Links 
Piper Resources' State and Local Government on the Net pages offer a frequently updated directory of links to state, county and city government websites. The pages also link to national organizations and associations of state governments and officials.
State & Local Gateway 
The Gateway provides state and local government employees easy access to federal information by topic rather than by organization. 

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The Electoral College

Making Sense Of The Electoral College
Overview of how it works and why it was put in place.

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Voter Information

Election Candidates (GA)
Your complete directory of Georgia candidates for Governor, State Cabinet, United State Senator and Congress in the current election cycle ... state political parties ... the official state election office ... and state news sources.

Candidates For State & Congressional, Campaigns, Elections,
State Parties, Local News Sources and More
(50 States & DC)

Voting Information In Georgia

Salaries Of State Legislators (50 States & DC)

Voting Information (All 50 States and DC)
FAQs on voting and elections. Also may include the ethical guidelines and restrictions that govern elections. 

More Voting Information (All 50 States, Not DC)
Links to the board of elections in every state. 

Restrictions On Elections, Campaigning & Government Officers (Consumer-SOS)

United States Politics & Elections
Daily news on elections in the US and throughout the world.

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Ethics & Campaigning Restrictions

Ethics & Campaign Contribution Restrictions
(50 States & DC)
Summary of state restrictions on elected officials receiving campaign contributions from lobbyists and whether states place restrictions on the gifts, meals, and honoraria their elected officials may receive.

The Rules Binding State Government In All 50 States & DC
Learn the ethics rules that bind state governments on matters such as elections, disclosure, campaign finance, lobbyists and  more.

Automatic Public Records Request Letter Generator
Use this letter generator to request access to records held by a federal government agency or body. Good if you want to ask for campaign financing disclosures.

Automatic Public Records Request
Letter Generator
: (Just Fill In The Blanks)
Use this letter generator to request access to records held by a state or local government agency or body (e.g., public school district, public university campus police, state board of health, etc.).

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Tracking Pending Legislation
Federal Legislation
State & Local Legislation

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Federal Legislation

Thomas Legislative Information
Search the Congressional record, committee reports, bill summaries and status of pending legislation, US House & Senate directories, etc.

Getting Copies of Federal Bills/Reports 

Federal, State & Local Governments Throughout The US
Includes: Departments, Executive Branch , GPO, Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Military, Municipal Government, Research Institutes & Services, State Government, Statistics, and the White House.

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State & Local Legislation

Your Georgia Representatives
Learn about your lawmakers and track issues and initiatives state by state.  It's also got legislative timetables, a full text of individual bills and describes how in each state a bill becomes law.

State and Local Government Resources 
The Library of Congress provides meta-indexes for state and local information. 

State Search
The National Association of State Information Resource Executives provides a topical clearinghouse to state government information on the Internet. 

Federal, State & Local Governments Throughout The US
Includes: Departments, Executive Branch , GPO, Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Military, Municipal Government, Research Institutes & Services, State Government, Statistics, and the White House.

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Census Data
Pick any country in the world and learn about its culture, wealth, population, religion and more.

American Fact Finder 
Browse, search, and map data from many Census Bureau sources: the 1990 Census, the 1997 Economic Census, the American Community Survey and the Census 2000 Dress Rehearsal. In early 2001, the data from Census 2000 will be available in American FactFinder. 

Demographic & Economic Profiles By State And County 
Information on population, housing, income and more. Click on a state from the map of the U.S. and get a map with all the counties in that state. Click on a county to get county level data. 

Economic Data By State And Metropolitan Area 
View a region, state, or metropolitan area economy at a glance by clicking on a map of the U.S. 

U of Michigan Document Center
This site is a central reference point for government information, whether local, state, federal, foreign or international.  Good for government, political science, statistical data and news.

Government Statistics & Links On Any Thing You Can Imagine
Whether its abortion, car crashes or crime stats, it's all here.

Federal Government Information & Agency Databases 

The Gateway To Statistics From Over 100 U.S. Federal Agencies 
Links to statistics and numerous agencies of the federal government.

Federal Depository Libraries 
Free public access to a wide variety of Federal government information in both print and electronic formats.  Federal Funding for State and Local Governments The U.S. State & Local Gateway provides information on federal grants, formula allocations, loans and contracts and general
resource information on federal funding for states and localities. 

Federal, State & Local Governments Throughout The US
Includes: Departments, Executive Branch , GPO, Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Military, Municipal Government, Research Institutes & Services, State Government, Statistics, and the White House.

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Government Benefits & Services
Government Benefits & Services

Finding The Right Government Agency

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